The bestselling, definitive account of the 1960s Mod movement. With over 150 dazzling photographs the book reveals the reality of the movement in dances, clothes, style and scooters. The book contains ephemera gathered from the earliest days of Mod, from the seaside to Carnaby Street, as well as a glorious celebration of a lifestyle, gratifyingly accurate and visually meticulous. -
Where Children Sleep
Where Children Sleep presents English-born photographer James Mollison's large-format photographs of children's bedrooms around the world--from the U.S.A., Mexico, Brazil, England, Italy, Israel and the West Bank, Kenya, Senegal, Lesotho, Nepal, China and India--alongside portraits of the children themselves. Each pair of photographs is accompanied by an extended caption that tells the story of each child: Kaya in Tokyo, whose proud mother spends $1,000 a month on her dresses; Bilal the Bedouin shepherd boy, who sleeps outdoors with his father's herd of goats; the Nepali girl Indira, who has worked in a granite quarry since she was three; and Ankhohxet, the Kraho boy who sleeps on the floor of a hut deep in the Amazon jungle. Photographed over two years with the support of Save the Children (Italy), Where Children Sleep is both a serious photo-essay for an adult audience, and also an educational book that engages children themselves in the lives of other children around the world. Its cover features a child's mobile printed in glow-in-the-dark ink. -
观看先于言语。观看确立了我们在周围世界的地位。他人的视线与我们的相结合,使我们确信自己置身于这可观看的世界之中。而当图像终于取代文字,充斥于视线所及的一切空间,我们又该如何观看而不致再度迷失? 本书论及机械复制时代的艺术品、女性作为被观看对象、油画传统、广告与资本主义等方面,配以两百余幅经典图像,与BBC同名纪录片一起,改变了西方一整个世代的观看方式,也必将适用于如今大大小小的手机屏幕和街边广告牌。从对视觉文化的深入探索和普及的角度而言,本书亦可与贡布里希爵士最杰出的著作互为补充。 -
《摄影构图500技》:构图其实是一个抽象的概念,因为它很难量化或者直观地表达。照片曝光的好坏可以从视觉上判断,因为图像会直观地表现为过亮或者过暗,图像是否清晰也可以一目了然。但是构图不一样,难以用明确的标准或维度来评判。 -
《英国皇家艺术学院高等摄影教程(第7版)》内容简介:英国皇家艺术学院是全球艺术家和设计师最为集中的社会团体之一,本系列书在英国畅销近40年,在国内也是极具权威性的经典摄影教程。《英国皇家艺术学院高等摄影教程(第7版)》延续了之前版本的编排特色和语言风格,并对内容进行了大幅修订,是一本紧随时代和社会发展的摄影教程。作为一本权威性的和享有良好声誉的进阶摄影教材,它涵盖了全英摄影教程的核心内容,系统、完整地阐述了摄影的各个方面,包括照片的拍摄、相机的构造、相机的各种控制、数字成像原理、对不同被摄体的处理、照明控制、摄影工作流程、传统暗房技巧、后期处理及藏品制作工艺等内容。 《英国皇家艺术学院高等摄影教程(第7版)》以极其严谨的学术态度,详尽地解析了摄影拍摄中的深奥技法,并配以大量图例,系统条理地阐述了摄影知识,不仅能在创意摄影过程中激发你的灵感,而且能将你的摄影技法提升至专业层级。适合广大摄影爱好者以及专业人士阅读。