Amusing Ourselves to Death
Manufacturing Consent
The Medium is the Massage
30 years after its publication Marshall McLuhan's The Medium is the Massage remains his most entertaining, provocative, and piquant book. With every technological and social "advance" McLuhan's proclamation that "the media work us over completely" becomes more evident and plain. In his words, Uso pervasive are they in their personal, political, economic, aesthetic, psychological, moral, ethical and social consequences that they leave no part of us untouched, unaffected, or unaltered'. McLuhan's remarkable observation that "societies have always been shaped more by the nature of the media by which men communicate than by the content of the communication" is undoubtedly more relevant today than ever before. With the rise of the internet and the explosion of the digital revolution there has never been a better time to revisit Marshall McLuhan. New printing - 2011 - with cover design by Shepard Fairey. -
All the News That's Fit to Sell
That market forces drive the news is not news. Whether a story appears in print, on television, or on the Internet depends on who is interested, its value to advertisers, the costs of assembling the details, and competitors' products. But in All the News That's Fit to Sell, economist James Hamilton shows just how this happens. Furthermore, many complaints about journalism--media bias, soft news, and pundits as celebrities--arise from the impact of this economic logic on news judgments. This is the first book to develop an economic theory of news, analyze evidence across a wide range of media markets on how incentives affect news content, and offer policy conclusions. Media bias, for instance, was long a staple of the news. Hamilton's analysis of newspapers from 1870 to 1900 reveals how nonpartisan reporting became the norm. A hundred years later, some partisan elements reemerged as, for example, evening news broadcasts tried to retain young female viewers with stories aimed at their (Democratic) political interests. Examination of story selection on the network evening news programs from 1969 to 1998 shows how cable competition, deregulation, and ownership changes encouraged a shift from hard news about politics toward more soft news about entertainers. -
すごい!日本創意文案 一本不可不敗的廣告祕笈,帶你透視文案背後的祕密! 以中文創作部落格的奇妙日本人,「全球華文部落格大獎」首位外國得獎者, 給你最在地、專業的日本新奇事物報告! 透視東京23區24小時的創意生活! 一則廣告的誕生,靠的不只是創意而已,其背後一定會有這樣的邏輯--目前社會的現況是○○,想必人們應該會有○○的想法,所以要向這群人,根據○○ 的道理,用○○的表現呼籲的話,必定會對他們的意識產生○○的影響……那怕只是海報上的一張圖片、一句文案,都是經過如此的深思熟慮才能夠完成。 於是,仔細觀察廣告,並思考「這則廣告為什麼會用這樣的方式來表現」,就可以推測、想像(或瞎猜)該廣告製作人員對當今消費型態的看法,而這也將代表著現代人的思考模式和行動方式。 本書將以一位日本廣告人的觀點出發,透過廣告文案、新聞時事、語言生活等新奇事物,帶你透視東京23區24小時的生活創意,發現你從未發現的日本吸引力! 如果你來到東京搭電車的時候,看到一個男人盯著車廂裡的廣告,有時還會拿筆做筆記的話,那個人很可能就是uedada。 -
麥克魯漢暢銷經典作,全球銷量突破100萬本 《媒體即訊息》是被稱為「媒體先知」、「傳播怪傑」的麥克魯漢的暢銷經典作品,從1967年首度出版,迄今全球銷售量超過一百萬本。 原文書名The Medium is the Massage(媒體即按摩),根據他兒子艾瑞克的說法,是排字工人將message的m”e”誤植為m”a”,麥克魯漢「將錯就錯」,認為「媒體即按摩」恰好貼切地說明了他的「媒體即訊息」(the medium is the message)的理論。 麥克魯漢認為,社會的塑造與其說是取決於溝通內容,不如說是取決於人們藉以溝通之媒體的本質。他指出,「媒體在個人、政治、經濟、美學、心理學、道德、倫理和社會等方面具有普遍的影響力,以致我們沒有一個部分不被媒體所觸及、影響、改變。媒體即訊息。如果不瞭解媒體環境的運作方式,便不可能理解社會和文化變遷。」而且所有媒體都是人類感官的延伸,進而改變了我們的行為與思考模式。本書在網際網路前身ARPANET出現前兩年首次問世時,針對電子資訊時代生活所提出的驚人預言式觀點,地球村、集體即時涉入、從印刷術發明後的視覺導向回歸至前字母時期的聽覺世界……,更是領先時代三十餘年,一言中的,成了資訊時代最真實的預言。 本書特色 1. 經典重現,歷久彌新 《媒體即訊息》堪稱麥克魯漢,最受歡迎、最精鍊的經典作品(全書一萬餘字),從1967年出版至今,書中「媒體即訊息」、「媒介是人類感官的延伸」、「地球村」……的觀點,歷時四十餘年,到了數位網路時代,更突顯其真知灼見。 2.領先時代的新穎前衛設計風格 在1960年代,本書即採取大膽前衛的圖文設計風格,以充滿實驗性、拼貼的視覺手法製作,譬如一些頁面的圖像文字反向呈現,必須透過鏡子閱讀;某些則有意留白。現代與歷史圖像並陳,展現驚人的視覺印象。