不要打開這本書! 除非你已經做好心理準備…… ◎榮獲星雲獎、布萊姆.史托克獎、藍帶獎等大獎暨10項年度推薦好書! ◎《波特萊爾大遇險》作者、《黑暗元素》三部曲作者、《魔法師豪爾》系列作者等多位名家暨各大媒體一致強力推薦背書! ◎即將拍成電影,由《聖誕夜驚魂》導演亨利‧謝利克親自改編和執導! ◎高踞出版家週刊、北卡獨立書商協會暢銷排行榜TOP 10! ◎熱爆美國亞馬遜網路書店!逾250位讀者留評,平均評價高達四顆半星! ◎《波特萊爾大遇險》系列作者雷蒙尼‧史尼奇:『這本書說了個神奇又可怕的故事,快把我給嚇死了!除非你想嚇得自己啃著大姆指躲到床底下,否則我建議你慢慢放下這本書,找點別的娛樂,比如說查一查還沒破的懸案,或是用紗線編個小動物。』 ◎《黑暗元素》三部曲作者菲利普‧普曼:『請起立鼓掌!《第十四道門》可是貨真價實的傑作!……這本書既奇特又嚇人!』 ◎《魔法師豪爾》系列作者戴安娜‧韋恩‧瓊斯:『我想,終於有本書可以把《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》從寶座上趕下來了!這是我讀過最原創、最古怪、最嚇人的書。』 ◎獨立報週日版:『又精緻又不同凡響!讀起來的感覺就像是《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》遇上了史蒂芬‧金!』 ◎環球郵報:『美國每一所學校的圖書館裡都該有這本書!』 每個家都有一道上了鎖的門。 千萬不要好奇去打開它, 因為你永遠不知道, 門的後面將通往哪裡…… 寇洛琳的新家有一百五十三樣藍色的東西、二十一扇窗戶、十四道門。十四道門裡有十三道沒鎖,寇洛琳好奇地把每一道門都打開來看看。第十四道門是上了鎖的,但門後只有一面磚牆。有一天,寇洛琳偷偷地打開了這道門,卻發現門後竟然出現一條通往隔壁公寓的走道。 另一頭的公寓跟寇洛琳的家一模一樣,甚至也有『另一個爸爸』和『另一個媽媽』,他們長得也跟寇洛琳的爸爸媽媽一模一樣,除了眼睛是又圓又大的黑鈕扣。一開始,另一個『家』裡的一切都棒透了!食物比較好吃,書本裡的畫會扭來扭去、閃閃發光,玩具盒裡有可以飛來飛去的發條天使,還有牙齒會咯咯作響的迷你恐龍頭骨。但是寇洛琳慢慢感覺到那裡似乎有點不太對勁,她想要回去自己真正的家了,『另一個媽媽』卻說:『我們需要妳,寇洛琳。我們要妳永遠留在這裡!』…… -
一座普通的农场,一幢普通的老屋,一条普通的车道……走过去,走进去——你会进入一个陌生、可怕、精彩的世界,一个截然不同于日常生活的异世界。 在这个异世界里,有来自远古的邪祟,有对抗邪祟的魔法,还有可以吞噬一切的饿鸟。 还有,在这个世界,你可以有求必应。(小心哦,也许求得的后果你无法承受。) 在这里,普通的小男孩可以挺身对抗邪恶。在这里,农场的小池塘其实是大海汪洋! 这是尼尔·盖曼最拿手的设定:现实和幻想,只隔着薄薄的一张纸。继《鬼妈妈》之后,他再一次撕开这张薄纸,邀请读者走进他的幻想世界。 -
Joey Harker isn't a hero. In fact, he's the kind of guy who gets lost in his own house. But then one day, Joey gets really lost. He walks straight out of his world and into another dimension. Joey's walk between the worlds makes him prey to two terrible forces--armies of magic and science who will do anything to harness his power to travel between dimensions. When he sees the evil those forces are capable of, Joey makes the only possible choice: to join an army of his own, an army of versions of himself from different dimensions who all share his amazing power and who are all determined to fight to save the worlds. Master storyteller Neil Gaiman and Emmy Award-winning science-fiction writer Michael Reaves team up to create a dazzling tale of magic, science, honor, and the destiny of one very special boy--and all the others like him. -
The Sandman
狐狸与和尚的爱情。 食梦之貘。 神话的虚幻,爱恋的平凡坚定。言语干净,温和有力。 -
The Day I Swapped My Dad for Two Goldfish
"I'll swap you my dad," I said. "Oh-oh," said my little sister. What if you wanted your best friend's two goldfish so much that you'd swap anything for them, even your father? What if your mother came home and found out what you'd done? "The Day I Swapped My Dad for Two Goldfish "is a hilarious adventure and was the first book for younger readers from the acclaimed author and illustrator of the "New York Times" best-sellers "The Wolves in the Walls" and "Coraline." Chosen as one of "Newsweek" magazine's Best Children's Books of the Year, "The Day I Swapped My Dad for Two Goldfish" is beloved by readers of all ages. This new edition features brand-new jacket art and an afterword by the author on the origins of this unique and wonderfully funny story. -
Sandman:The Dream Hunters
ニール・ゲイマン原作 天野 喜孝画 夢枕 獏訳 小野 耕世監訳 陰陽師、怨霊、物の怪…。平安の雅と闇の世界を舞台にニール・ゲイマン、天野喜孝が描く幻想的な異形の愛の物語。