现在,这个叫Lethe的人是新生的他。 他回来了,可是爱情回不来了。 她曾说:如果还会遇到,请你不要再认识我,也算是给我留下最后的尊严。 他苦笑:我如何才能抚去你眼中的疲倦和身上的伤…… 曾经的曾经,他们一起去看演唱会,他送了第一枝花给她; 从前的从前,她躺在他的怀里,把他的手机铃音设成自己喜欢的《你的甜蜜》; 过去的过去,他只想给她一个家,放下了提琴的梦,去打工赚钱。 他们之间相隔的,不是巴黎和北京的千里万里,不是六年时光的匆匆逝水,而是简单的一句“我爱你”。 希望能有个他懂得她的心。 希望所有人的爱情都不差那一句“我爱你”。 -
心伤不过情伤,温暖没有想到,自己飞蛾扑火般得到的爱情终究只是一纸契约。当叶非墨的初恋情人再次回归,感情的旋涡让他们都始料未及。 随着温暖参演的电视剧和电影的火热,她迅速蹿升为当红明星,她当然不知道这一切都是因为叶非墨站在她的背后。 温暖终于还是选择了离开他,放自己好过。 两年后,当她从美国蜕变归来,挽着另一个男人出现在他面前时,他再次出击,她却风轻云淡一笑:“叶先生,Game over!” -
性和女性对心中理想对象的要求完全不同。不仅如此,每个人追求的爱情也大相径庭。深入学习爱情心理学,掌握最给力恋爱心理术。 本书教给您的并不是纸上谈兵的爱情理论,而是拿来就用的恋爱心理术。从发现恋爱的N种可能到大胆爱的心理技巧,从将爱进行到底的秘笈到成功步入婚姻的策略,让您快速汲取恋爱的新知识,更加从容和有技巧地谈恋爱。另外,还专为剩男和剩女们解答“爱太难”的各种疑难杂症。期待本书能为各位“渴望爱”、“正在爱”、“爱太难”甚至“爱无力”的朋友带来启发和帮助。 -
Why Men Love Bitches
Contending that some women are "too nice," comedian and radio show host Sherry Argov has written Why Men Love Bitches: From Doormat to Dreamgirl-A Woman's Guide to Holding Her Own in a Relationship. "I'm not recommending that a woman have an abrasive disposition," Argov writes, "The woman I'm describing is kind yet strong. She doesn't give up her life, and she won't chase a man." Her sassy book is filled with scenarios and advice aimed at making women subtly stronger and self-empowered. Argov's principles, which range from the farfetched to the downright absurd, include "If you give him a feeling of power, he'll want to protect you and he'll want to give you the world" and "A little distance combined with the appearance of self-control makes him nervous that he may be losing you." The book, which has already been featured on The View and The O'Reilly Factor, should make waves with its controversial view of relationships. Copyright 2002 Reed Business Information, Inc. -
Why Men Marry Bitches
As in her previous book, Why Men Love Bitches, Argov does not use the word "bitch" in a pejorative way, but rather "to describe a strong woman who has her own identity and is secure with who she is." And while encouraging women to be strong, independent and inscrutable is sound advice, the motivation behind this advice-to keep his interest-makes for a headache-inspiring contradiction. Fortunately, Argov takes readers step-by-step through her process, including numerous "Relationship Principles" that keeps her concepts clear ("Relationship Principle 35: Men are intrigued by anything they do not completely control."). Though the generalizations Argov uses to describe her pre-bitch audience can at times be condescending, and her goals are more about acting-rather than believing-that you don't need a man to feel complete, the behavior she encourages is healthy and useful, even outside the realm of husband-hunting. Taken more as a Bitch's Guide to Life-the word "relationship," after all, doesn't necessarily imply romance-this is a solid self-help. Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. "We're talking about having so much self-respect Aretha Franklin would high-five you." -- Los Angeles Times "Sherry Argov encourages women who feel like doormats to develop a sense of independence." -- Playboy -
洞悉派作家李欣频在爱中积淀十年,推出最新爱情力作《爱情觉醒地图》。全书通过对10个“爱的错误信念”的讲解,帮助纠结于爱情中的人彻底扫除“爱情木马程序”,成为“恋爱的觉醒达人”,让你按“图”索骥找到真爱。 《爱情觉醒地图》无法教你: *百发百中俘虏人心的计谋 *瞬间找到真命天子/天女 《爱情觉醒地图》可以教你: *如何改变屡遭烂桃花的命运 *从自囚的牢笼中解脱,享受爱情的同时不迷失自己 *清除爱的错误信念,将恋爱变成人生最好的修行 让你受苦的,是你对爱的错误信念!《爱情觉醒地图》是困顿于爱中的人们醒脑明目的必服解药!