《本杰明》是扬威国际的中国青年漫画家BENJAMIN,首部个人同名精选画集,全彩色高精度印刷,历年代表性插画,绝对珍藏不容错过,地下室,我们去哪儿,记得,一天彩图全收录首度公开漫画手稿+作者全方位出版物自述。 -
The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility, and Other Writings on Media
Benjamin's famous "Work of Art" essay sets out his boldest thoughts - on media and on culture in general - in their most realized form, while retaining an edge that gets under the skin of everyone who reads it. In this essay the visual arts of the machine age morph into literature and theory and then back again to images, gestures, and thought.This essay, however, is only the beginning of a vast collection of writings that the editors have assembled to demonstrate what was revolutionary about Benjamin's explorations on media. Long before Marshall McLuhan, Benjamin saw that the way a bullet rips into its victim is exactly the way a movie or pop song lodges in the soul.This book contains the second, and most daring, of the four versions of the "Work of Art" essay - the one that addresses the utopian developments of the modern media. The collection tracks Benjamin's observations on the media as they are revealed in essays on the production and reception of art; on film, radio, and photography; and on the modern transformations of literature and painting. The volume contains some of Benjamin's best-known work alongside fascinating, little-known essays - some appearing for the first time in English. In the context of his passionate engagement with questions of aesthetics, the scope of Benjamin's media theory can be fully appreciated. -
Walter Benjamin
Walter Benjamin
In the frenzied final years of the Weimar Republic, amid economic collapse and mounting political catastrophe, Walter Benjamin emerged as the most original practicing literary critic and public intellectual in the German-speaking world. Volume 2 of the Selected Writings is now available in paperback in two parts. In Part 1, Benjamin is represented by two of his greatest literary essays, "Surrealism" and "On the Image of Proust," as well as by a long article on Goethe and a generous selection of his wide-ranging commentary for Weimar Germany's newspapers. Part 2 contains, in addition to the important longer essays, "Franz Kafka," "Karl Kraus," and "The Author as Producer," the extended autobiographical meditation "A Berlin Chronicle," and extended discussions of the history of photography and the social situation of the French writer, previously untranslated shorter pieces on such subjects as language and memory, theological criticism and literary history, astrology and the newspaper, and on such influential figures as Paul Valery, Stefan George, Hitler, and Mickey Mouse. -
《橘子》争议性的题材与画面,使得单行本几经周折终于面世诞生于2003年的《橘子》是本杰明最“特别”的作品,出版经历称得上“坎坷”。虽然,2007年《橘子》在法国出版,一经推出便被法国读者票选为最受欢迎的中国漫画,2008年获得法国图卢兹漫画展的最优秀漫画奖。但因涉及青春期抑郁、迷惘、焦虑、挣扎及不成熟的爱情等各种现实问题,引起广泛的争议性,内容与画面几经修订,终于赶在8月与国内读者见面! -