Born on a blue day
Daniel sees numbers as shapes, colours and textures and can perform extraordinary maths in his head. He has Savant Syndrome, an extremely rare form of Asperger's that gives him almost unimaginable mental powers. This book explores what it's like to be special and in so doing gives us an insight into what makes us all human - our minds. -
我总是,徘徊在梦的深处,追逐那些淡蓝色的泪珠,急切而又慌乱的脚步中,忘记了时间的年轮一次次地擦身而过,岁月正悄悄地把忧伤抹去。 我不停地仰望,希望可能遭遇赤橙色的光芒,将我的目光灼伤。一路上精灵们尽情地歌唱,它们告诉我:平凡是最深刻的感动,真爱,是我要寻找的方向。 醒来时,我看见前面绚烂盛开着两朵花,一朵叫作“BLUE”,一朵叫作“ORANGE”。 原来爱,是这世上最美丽的花。