In Bed with David & Jonathan
David and Jonathan are two innocent-looking young men who meet each other amidst the prowlers in the park late one night - at least that is what seems to be the case at the outset. Just behind their angelic facades, however, are devils in disguise. This 'second skin' is what we get to see - details from the boys' public and private lives. The hard, cold facts from the story of David and Jonathan contrast wonderfully to the first impression, in these comics, drawn in a style reminiscent of the world-famous Tintin. -
International superstar, Ricky Martin, who has sold more than 60 million albums worldwide, opens up for the first time about memories of his early childhood, experiences in the famed boy band Menudo, struggles with his identity during the Livin' la Vida Loca phenomenon, reflections on coming to terms with his sexuality, relationships that allowed him to embrace love, and life-changing decisions like devoting himself to helping children around the world and becoming a father. Me is an intimate memoir about the very liberating and spiritual journey of one of the most iconic pop-stars of our time. -
The Gay Man's Kama Sutra
ince its translation into English in the nineteenth century, the Kama Sutra has achieved iconic status in the West. The resurgence of interest in ancient eastern philosophies, medi-cines, and therapies has given it even more relevance today. Using the sensuous erotic advice from the original, Terry Sanderson has taken the Kama Sutra into a new realm by apply-ing its philosophies to gay lovemaking. The Gay Man's Kama Sutra is a sumptuous illustrated journey through all the different sexual positions. In addition to providing practical advice on sexual technique, relationships, and emotional well-being, it also covers everything from meeting a partner, court-ship, and kissing to games, massage, and safe sex. -
Men of Kristen Bjorn
Muscle Art
這一次,換男同志出馬…… 繼去年推出《搞定女人——女同志給男人的性愛指導》之後,這次立場對調,改由男同志出面指導女人的性愛技巧。 女人與男同志原本就是站在同一陣線的戰友,戰鬥目標一致,由此激發而來的性愛攻略,自然是彈無虛發。 因為男同志不僅清楚自己的性喜好,也知道其他男人的性喜好,男同志懂得的竅門與深入玩法,恐怕連異性戀男人都要嚇一跳。 抓住男人的胃絕對不夠,現在練就的功夫要是能抓住男人的下半身! 女人的全身都是快感來源,不過男性的快感百分之九十還是取決於他的小弟弟,所以這本書跟前一本《搞定女人》最大的差別就在於此,如何照顧好男人的「硬葛格」是本書的精髓所在,陰莖基礎教學自然不可免,口交與手技與蛋蛋玩法更是重點章節。 男人不好意思說出口的要求,女人不敢問的細節,都來本書找解決方法! 妳真的知道怎麼打手槍嗎? 手的力道該怎麼掌控呢? 妳常常冷落了他的蛋蛋嗎? 妳知道男人的奶頭也是有快感的嗎? 到底男人的高潮的生理與心理反應是怎麼回事? 這些細節,男人通常說不出口,女人也不好問得太徹底。 本書剛好可以成為溝通橋樑。 節自書中的絕妙技巧: ——「嗡嗡嗡」是另一種他可能會喜歡的輕度感官刺激。 「嗡嗡嗡」其實只不過是在妳口交的時候,發出呻吟或嗡嗡嗡的聲音。 它會在妳的喉嚨間產生震動,然後進一步將這震動傳到他的老二上。 妳不需要在口交的時候演唱世界名曲,只需要從喉嚨間發出低沉的呻吟震動,就已經很足夠了。 試著變化妳呻吟的音高,營造不同的刺激感。 ——龜頭背面的部位,或許是整根老二最敏感的地帶。龜頭的刺激摩擦,會讓男人處在一種戰慄的愉悅當中,讓他一面呻吟,一面發抖。 想像一下妳在跟小狗玩的時候,撫摸牠的肚子,牠的腿也會抽蓄。男人和小狗,性質是很接近的。