你在纽约会有什么奇遇? 逃逸到帝国大厦顶层赴一次浪漫约会?在“新”市中心布鲁克林发掘新潮精品时装店和旧式拱廊酒吧?在Babbo品尝大厨Mario Batali的拿手好菜——特制羊脑或米兰猪蹄?在超棒的新现代艺术博物馆里,思索毕加索的作品?三位音乐家》或波洛克的作品One?戴香奈尔特大号时髦眼镜,挽迪奥手袋。着巴宝莉套装?在Arlene’s Grocery欣赏独立乐队现场表演,或在摇滚卡拉OK中当一回明星? 本书在手,事半功倍:全彩的活页地图为你轻松导航;当地作者推荐最棒的餐厅、俱乐部、剧院、博物馆等等;精心挑选的精华景点、路线和网络资源,助你在短期旅行中得到最大收获;纽约客与你分享心情:采访杂货店老板、三轮车夫和新闻系学生。 -
19世纪末20世纪初的纽约,曾被人们称为镀金时代。那时城市日新月异,财富滚滚而来;艾迪斯-沃顿,范德比尔特家族,洛克菲勒家族,世界名人众星闪烁。作者没有因循旧轨,而是另辟蹊径,记叙了这个镀金时代的另一面,不是显出绅士风度和高尚谈吐的那一面,而是充斥着弱肉强食的争斗和危险的那一面。她选取了当时许多轰动性的真实事件,从大批纽约平民狂热围观一个豪华婚礼引起互相践踏的悲剧,到一头动物园大象因性狂躁而导致长达9小时的伤人破坏奇闻;还记述了各种各样的人物,如Stanford White, William Merritt Chase, 半夜仁慈乐队,异国舞蹈演员Little Egypt,等等。 -
Naked City
As cities have gentrified, educated urbanites have come to prize what they regard as "authentic" urban life: aging buildings, art galleries, small boutiques, upscale food markets, neighborhood old-timers, funky ethnic restaurants, and old, family-owned shops. These signify a place's authenticity, in contrast to the bland standardization of the suburbs and exurbs. But as Sharon Zukin shows in Naked City, the rapid and pervasive demand for authenticity--evident in escalating real estate prices, expensive stores, and closely monitored urban streetscapes--has helped drive out the very people who first lent a neighborhood its authentic aura: immigrants, the working class, and artists. Zukin traces this economic and social evolution in six archetypal New York areas--Williamsburg, Harlem, the East Village, Union Square, Red Hook, and the city's community gardens--and travels to both the city's first IKEA store and the World Trade Center site. She shows that for followers of Jane Jacobs, this transformation is a perversion of what was supposed to happen. Indeed, Naked City is a sobering update of Jacobs' legendary 1962 book, The Death and Life of Great American Cities. Like Jacobs, Zukin looks at what gives neighborhoods a sense of place, but argues that over time, the emphasis on neighborhood distinctiveness has become a tool of economic elites to drive up real estate values and effectively force out the neighborhood "characters" that Jacobs so evocatively idealized. With a journalist's eye and the understanding of a longtime critic and observer, Zukin's panoramic survey of contemporary New York explains how our desire to consume authentic experience has become a central force in making cities more exclusive. -
Paris versus New York
When Vahram Muratyan began his online travel journal, "Paris versus New York", he had no idea how quickly it would become one of the most buzzed-about sites on the Internet - it garnered more than a million and a half page views in just a few months, and the attention of savvy online critics. Now Muratyan presents his unique observations in this delightful book, featuring visually striking graphics paired with witty, thought-provoking taglines that celebrate the special details of each city. "Paris versus New York" is a heartfelt gift to denizens of both cities and to those who dream of big-city romance. -
书中,作者讲述了“创意之城”纽约长达150年的创意产业发展路径,展示了创意产业对纽约经济的巨大助推力。社交圈子、夜生活、时尚看门人、媒体集团、文化艺术政策、口碑营销等因素共同营造了创意产业萌芽的环境,在一次次经济衰退和繁荣的循环之间,引爆了文化商品化的潮流,推动了创意产业的崛起和创意经济时代的到来。 当下,创意经济的软实力备受瞩目,本书给了我们探索创意经济发展的全新视角。 -
本书是作者从当代视角 (尤其是911以后) 对纽约的城市历史与再生历程的深入而生动的描述,全书几乎涉及了纽约城市发展和城市的所有重要节点,由于作者复杂的学习和知识背景与兴趣,所以表述极为生动,且因为查阅了大量史料,并且引用了大量历史图片,又使本书稿在具有可读性的基础上不乏深度。作为普及型的城市/建筑读物,此书既保持了足够的专业水准 (如大量的城市/建筑背景资料的运用),又融入了可观的文本与图像的阅读的快感 (充满全书的诗意的语言和精美的图片),另外,由于历史背景与时间的相近,作者也在文本中保持了足够的人文关怀。