男主人公为挖掘钻石,历尽艰辛,几经险境,眼看失败又绝处逢生,终于成为令人刮目相看的大阔佬,但却在事业的巅峰时刻突患中风告别人世。女主人公继承丈夫事业、准备挑选长孙女为钻石帝国的掌管人时,却发现了令人吃惊的事…… -
极有才华的心理医生无缘无故地不断遭到一名杀手的追杀。杀手是来就诊过的患者,还是前来帮助他的警察,或者是私家侦探?处在危急关头的他,如果不能洞穿谋杀者的思想,自己就将以谋杀的罪名被捕,或者被人谋杀。 -
All around the globe, people are being reported dead or missing. In Berlin, a woman vanishes from the city streets. In Paris, a man plunges from the Eiffel Tower. In Denver, a small plane crashes into the mountains. In Manhattan, a body washes ashore along the East River. At first these seem to be random incidents, but the police soon discover that all four of the victims are connected to Kingsley International Group (KIG), the largest think tank in the world. Kelly Harris and Diane Stevens—young widows of two of the victims—encounter each other in New York, where they have been asked to meet with Tanner Kingsley, the head of KIG. He assures them that he is using all available resources to find out who is behind the mysterious deaths of their husbands. But he may be too late. Someone is intent on murdering both women, and they suffer a harrowing series of near escapes. Who is trying to kill them and why? Forced together for protection, suspicious of each other and everyone around them, and trying to find answers for themselves, the two widows embark on a terrifying game of cat and mouse against the unknown forces out to destroy them. Taut with suspense and vivid characterization, full of shocking twists, and with an unnervingly realistic premise that could alter all of our lives, the long-awaited Are You Afraid of the Dark? is Sidney Sheldon at the top of his game. -
Tell Me Your Dreams
"Someone was following her. She had read about stalkers, but they belonged in a different, faraway world. She had no idea who it could be, who would want to harm her. She was trying desperately not to panic, but lately her sleep had been filled with nightmares, and she had awakened each morning with a feeling of impending doom." Thus begins Sidney Sheldon's haunting new novel, Tell Me Your Dreams. When a series of brutal murders is committed, the police suspect three beautiful young women. An arrest is made and what follows is one of the most bizarre murder trials of the century. Based on actual events, Tell Me Your Dreams races at a feverish pace from London to Rome to Quebec to San Francisco, and builds to a shocking climax that will leave the listener stunned. This suspenseful follow-up to Sheldon's most recent bestseller, The Best Laid Plans (ten weeks on the New York Times bestseller list), is rich with tension and heart-stopping action. Laced with the kinds of plot twists and turns that his fans love, Tell Me Your Dreams is an entertaining and gripping story. -
中学生托比与女同学发生了性关系,致使女方怀孕。为逃避结婚,离家出走,到处流浪,一文不名,为了生计,先后在马戏团跑龙套,在酒吧充当业余滑稽演员,但他一心想着成为一名电影明星。终于在好莱坞电影经纪人克利夫顿的提携下,成为红极一时的超级明星。托比过着骄奢淫逸的生活,然而内心却十分空虚。 一心想出人头第的女演员吉尔,在好莱坞历经坎坷,她周旋于制片人、导演和经纪人之间,被迫出卖色相,并被情人诱骗拍摄裸体电影,沦为等外演员。为了改变低下地位,吉尔博得托比的欢心,二人结为夫妇,成为声名显赫的坦普尔夫人。托比因为长期纵欲,病发瘫痪。吉尔为了巩固已经取得的地位,以惊人的毅力帮助托比恢复了健康。吉尔随托比在各大都市演出,所到之处,尽皆轰动。但托比再次瘫痪,恰值吉尔始终眷恋的情人戴维突然出现,吉尔感到托比再无恢复的希望,害死了托比,并仰仗托比生前的巨大声望,成功登上了明星宝座。但托比的经纪人克利夫顿为了报复吉尔,设计让戴维看到了吉尔在裸体电影中的不堪场景,戴维痛苦离去,吉尔也彻底绝望,堕身大海...