New Moon
Edward and his family leave Forks because he believes he is endangering Bella's life. Bella falls into a deep depression, until she develops a strong friendship with werewolf Jacob Black. Jacob and the other wolves in his tribe must protect her from Victoria, a vampire seeking to avenge her mate James' death by killing Bella. A misunderstanding occurs, and Edward believes Bella is dead. Edward decides to commit suicide in Volterra, Italy, but he is stopped by Bella and Alice, Edward's sister. They meet with the Volturi, a powerful coven of vampires, and are released on the condition that Bella be turned into a vampire in the near future. Bella and Edward are reunited, and the Cullens return to Forks. -
Bella Swan moves from Phoenix, Arizona to live with her father in Forks, Washington to allow her mother to travel with her new husband, a minor league baseball player. After moving to Forks, Bella finds herself involuntarily drawn to a mysterious, handsome boy, Edward Cullen. She eventually learns that he is a member of a vampire family who drink animal blood rather than human. Edward and Bella fall in love, but James, a sadistic vampire from another coven, is drawn to drink Bella's blood. Edward and the other Cullens defend Bella. She escapes to Phoenix, Arizona, where she is tricked into confronting James, who tries to kill her. She is seriously wounded, but Edward rescues her and they return to Forks. -
In this exquisite fantasy, Bella adores beautiful Edward, and he returns her love. But Edward must control the blood lust she arouses in him because--he's a vampire. This deeply romantic and extraordinarily suspenseful novel captures the struggle between defying instincts and satisfying desires. -
当生命是你所能给予自己挚爱的人的一切时,你怎么可能不把生命献给他呢?对于贝拉来说,无可救药地爱上爱德华之后,生活既像是充满甜蜜的幻想,又像是深不可测的可怕梦魇。不管她作出什么样的抉择,都将牵动着两个族群的命运。 从两人第一次牵手的那一刻起,贝拉和爱德华就明白对方是自己要找的另一半,爱情就像雨后的阳光一样温润着他们的灵魂。幸福让人觉得温暖,却又让人如履薄冰。来自于不同世界的两个人的禁忌之爱,像狂躁的风暴蹂躏折磨着两颗脆弱的心。既然贝拉勇敢地作出决定,一连串空前的惊人事件便随之展开,在这动荡的一年,诱惑与冲突将带领她走向最后的关键时刻。贝拉飘舞的心绪终将情归何处?她与爱德华、雅各布三人的最后命运又将会如何?有如漫漫长夜之后的破晓,这段惊心动魄、千迴百转的罗曼史最终迎来了令人惊讶、屏息的结局。