陷阱與鐘擺-愛倫.坡短篇小說選,ISBN:9789570517514,作者:愛倫.坡 -
《时光文库•催眠启示录:爱伦•坡中短篇小说选》既有侦探类,也有恐怖类、神奇类、心理类、象征类等,能够大致囊括他的总体风格。其内容包括眼镜、黑猫、催眠启示录、钟楼魔影、威廉•维尔逊、瓶中手稿、大旋涡底余生记、同木乃伊的对话等。 -
Great Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
在线阅读本书 Enduring Literature Illuminated By Practical Scholarship A collection of the Gothic master's classic works in prose and verse. This Enriched Classic Edition Includes: A concise introduction that gives the reader important background information A chronology of the author's life and work A timeline of significant events that provides the book's historical context An outline of key themes and plot points to guide the reader's own interpretations Detailed explanatory notes Critical analysis, including contemporary and modern perspectives on the work Discussion questions to promote lively classroom and book group interaction A list of recommended related books and films to broaden the reader's experience Enriched Classics offer readers affordable editions of great works of literature enhanced by helpful notes and insightful commentary. The scholarship provided in Enriched Classics enables readers to appreciate, understand, and enjoy the world's finest books to their full potential. -
《泄密的心:爱伦•坡短篇小说(评注本)》精选美国著名作家爱伦•坡短篇小说15篇,其小说风格怪异离奇,充满恐怖气氛。本书所选篇目侧重于恐怖、幽默小说,包括《泄密的心》《厄舍古屋的崩塌》《黑猫》《威廉•威尔逊》《幽会》《人群中的人》《一桶白葡萄酒》《椭圆形画像》《梅岑格施泰因》《凹凸山的传说》《过早埋葬》等经典名篇。 我们提供最地道的英文,最优美的译文,在每一篇小说之前,特别提供精彩独特的“导读”,旨在提供当时的社会语境及其与作者其他作品的内在联系,同时又表达出编撰者的强烈的阅读感受,做到与读者交流的目的。此外,原文中的注释,也就是注疑释典,是很见功力的工作。注释与导读比较起来,一个是放大镜,一个是显微镜,互为补充,相得益彰,让我们看到了作品的全貌。 -