In Cold Blood
《冷血》(英文:In Cold Blood)是美国作家楚门·卡波特于1966出版的小说,详述1959年一起位于堪萨斯州霍尔库姆,优渥农人赫伯特·克拉特一家遭灭门的残暴凶杀案。卡波特获悉此事后,与好友作家哈波·李决定一同前往当地进行调查。他们访问了当地居民与该案的调查人员,摘记了上千页的纪录。凶手狄克与贝利在犯案后不久被逮捕,卡波特随后耗尽六年心血著成此书。《冷血》被公认是非虚构小说鼻祖及新新闻主义先驱,同时也成了卡波特的经典代表作之一。 Controversial and compelling, In Cold Blood reconstructs the murder in 1959 of a Kansas farmer, his wife and both their children. Truman Capote's comprehensive study of the killings and subsequent investigation explores the circumstances surrounding this terrible crime and the effect it had on those involved. At the centre of his study are the amoral young killers Perry Smith and Dick Hickcock, who, vividly drawn by Capote, are shown to be reprehensible yet entirely and frighteningly human. The book that made Capote's name, In Cold Blood is a seminal work of modern prose, a remarkable synthesis of journalistic skill and powerfully evocative narrative. -
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Contains: Breakfast at Tiffany's House of Flowers A Diamond Guitar A Christmas Memory -
In Cold Blood
National Bestseller On November 15, 1959, in the small town of Holcomb, Kansas, four members of the Clutter family were savagely murdered by blasts from a shotgun held a few inches from their faces. There was no apparent motive for the crime, and there were almost no clues. As Truman Capote reconstructs the murder and the investigation that led to the capture, trial, and execution of the killers, he generates both mesmerizing suspense and astonishing empathy. In Cold Blood is a work that transcends its moment, yielding poignant insights into the nature of American violence. -
《冷血》主要内容简介:11月15日,夜,堪萨斯州,霍尔科姆村。几声枪响,良善温和、广受尊敬的克拉特及其一家惨遭灭门。凶手异常凶残狡猾:被害人均被击中面部,电话线被割断,子弹壳也消失不见……一时间,平静的村庄陷入前所未有的猜忌与恐惧,案件震惊了整个美国。 卡波特立即赶到当地,开始一连串访谈,对象包括死者亲友、邻居、当地警察,以及最重要的——两名凶案嫌疑人。 一个天才的作家,经过长达六年的精心梳理,逐渐将案件重建、还原:从案发现场到发现蛛丝马迹,从凶手与亲人温情的通信到最终被吊上冰冷的绞索。当作家试图打开凶手的内心时,他的灵魂、他的目光、他的笔,比凶刀更加绝望冰冷。 点击链接进入: 《冷血》 《蒂凡尼的早餐》 -