How To Be Parisian Wherever You Are
How To Be Parisian brilliantly deconstructs the French woman's views on culture, fashion and attitude. Bohemian free-thinkers and iconoclasts, Anne Berest, Caroline De Maigret, Audrey Diwan and Sophie Mas cut through the myths in this gorgeous, witty guide to Parisienne savoir faire. These modern Parisiennes say what you don't expect to hear, just the way you want to hear it. They are not against smoking in bed, and all for art, politics and culture, making everything look easy, and going against the grain. They will take you on a first date, to a party and through a hangover. They will tell you how to be mysterious and sensual, make your boyfriend jealous, the right way to approach weddings and the gym, and they will share their address book in Paris for where to go at the end of the night, for a birthday, for a smart date, for vintage finds and much more. Full of wit and self-deprecating humour, How To Be Parisian explains those confusing subjects of clothes, makeup, men, culture and lifestyle as only a true Parisienne can. -
时尚易逝,风格永存。风格不是买最贵的衣服,或者追逐最前沿的潮流,而是做你自己。 尼娜•加西亚将会分享自己多年累积的经验,教你在购物过程中寻找真正实用的时尚策略,以你独特的风尚去惊艳这个世界。她会教你重新发掘衣柜,用新的视角来审视衣服,学会有技巧地购物,穿出独特的个人风格。 这本书会帮助你走进风格和购物一体化的世界,两者相互融合,缺一不可。你的任务,就是学会如何自如地平衡二者,并且让买到的单品都可以持久利用。 每个女人都应该记住这一条风格魔咒:少买,细选,巧搭配。 -
《丝带花语:手作80款唯美饰物》内容简介:当看到漂亮的丝带,幸福感都会油然而生。总想用它做点什么,如果能制作出身边饰物的话,我都会变得格外开心。记忆中,母亲常用丝带做成蝴蝶结,系在我的头发上……这是脑海中关于丝带最初的印象。每当手里拿着丝带时,我总会想起那时的情境。 80款缎带花的制作方法,缎带款式多种多样,制作出的缎带花款式繁多,每一款都非常精致漂亮。款式由简到繁,制作方法也是由易到难,以图文并茂的形式进行详尽的诠释,即使从来没有接触过手工制作也不要紧,读者可以选择合适自己难易程度的作品,从样式最简单的作品开始制作。将亲手缝制的缎带花装饰在荷包上、围巾上或是制成胸花、装饰腰带等,用细节点缀生活,让生活充满情趣。 柔软、清爽、如梦境般美妙的丝带,颜色和尺寸各异。如今能有机会接触到那么多漂亮的丝带,我希望借由《丝带花语:手作80款唯美饰物》一书,让生活中绽放更多绚丽多姿的丝带花。无论是新品种的丝带,还是新的制作手法,都能为我们带来无限乐趣,请大家一定要试试。 -
How to Walk in High Heels
The bestselling U.K. sensation, hailed as "the most fabulous instruction manual the world has ever seen" by Vogue.com Can you make yourself up in five minutes flat? Make the first move without breaking a sweat? Hang a picture without becoming unhinged? Get out of a car -- or an unpleasant situation -- gracefully in a short skirt? Load an iPod as effortlessly as a dishwasher? If not, international style and fashion journalist Camilla Morton can help you navigate these and more than two hundred other hazards of modern living with grace and aplomb. Much more than just a style manual or crash course in social skills, How to Walk in High Heels also illuminates the finer points of achieving better homes and gardens, tackling technophobia, climbing the career ladder, and joining the jet set. From the practical, such as what to do when a heel breaks and how to catch a mouse, to the imaginative, such as how to enjoy karaoke and swim in sunglasses, How to Walk in High Heels overflows with useful nuggets of advice delivered in the authors inimitable witty style, accompanied by a foreword from Diors John Galliano and a Louis Vuitton trunkful of insight from experts including: -Manolo Blahnik on How to Pick a Shoe -Dolce & Gabbana on How to Get Ready in Five Minutes -Gisele Bundchen on How to Look Good in a Photo -Jade Jagger on How to Compile Your Own Soundtrack This comprehensive do-everything-better bible takes the guesswork out of flaunting your fabulousness so that you can stop teetering and start striding confidently through the obstacle course of life. -
从高一开始模特儿生涯,被大S誉为真正“美容大王”的吴佩慈,首度与读者分享她的成长心情,并第一次公开她旅日多年所累积的丰富美容经验!从护肤、护发、手足美甲,到瘦身紧实、丰胸按摩、美白保养、气血食补等等,从内在到外在,所有女孩最关心的美丽话题,都在这本书里! 这是一本关于美丽的书,我的护肤心得、化妆诀窍,我的经历刻画成的美容人生都将在这本书中与大家分享,也许我不是专家也不是权威人士。但每一个细节都是最真实最自然最完整的我美,是生来就存在的目标,是永远都不会停止的追求,让我们一起美到宇宙的尽头吧! -