《不整装不出门及其他50条荒谬的时尚法则》内容简介:对付恼人的国际时尚警察可是一项艰巨的任务。或许依靠那些没完没了的关于“能”与“不能”的冗长的着装规则清单,你就能在时尚仲裁面前尽量少地犯错误了。尽管这些清规戒律不过是来源于人们对时尚的直觉罢了,甚至还有些可笑,但那些语言背后所隐藏的智慧才是真正能够保证人们在穿衣着装中尽量避免失礼的金科玉律。 这本书共收录了51条时尚法则,如“穿着与年龄相符”、“如果拿不准就穿红色”、“鞋包需成套”以及“不要在露趾鞋里穿丝袜”等——瞧瞧,这些是不是就是你平时最容易曲解、忽视甚至破坏的常识呢?这本书的目的不是要强迫你遵守这里所列出的每一条规则,更不是站在规则一边挑起争论。毕竟,人类的创造力是无穷无限的,因此何不以更为轻松愉悦的心态去面对这些陈规呢。 -
I Love Your Style
"In this wonderfully wise book, Amanda Brooks reveals the style secrets of unexpectedly elegant, singular women from all walks of life. It's candid, canny and cool, much like Brooks herself." --Anna Wintour --Vogue June 2009 I Love Your Style is a sumptuous full-color look-book and style bible, complete with more than 400 classic and modern photographs, that will both empower and inspire women to dive into the challenge of defining, or refining, their personal style. With fully illustrated chapters, sidebars, shopping lists, and personal stories devoted to a range diverse styles and shopping techniques-Classic, Bohemian, Minimalist, Street, High-Fashion, Cheap Chic, Vintage-Brooks walks readers through every angle of the fashion world, from the basic pieces and accessories that define a style, to the small details, combinations, and adaptations that can make it your own. With its focus on embracing creativity, personal history, originality, and the freedom to pick and choose aspects from any distinct "style"-and with no "rules," "commandments," or lengthy lists of "don′ts" in sight-I Love Your Style is a must-read for budding fashionistas, or anyone who finds herself frustrated in front of the mirror each morning. -
《时尚生活圣经(下):美容•护肤•发型•香氛》:让皱纹20分钟内消失的秘诀是眼霜吗?按摩脖子能够消除黑眼圈?脖子的皱纹真的无法去除吗?睡前投资5分钟让你变得苗条的秘诀? 连美容杂志编辑们也为其倾倒的化妆品有哪些?价格不同但效果相似的化妆品有?全球平均3秒钟就售出一件的内衣品牌是?头皮也可以化妆吗?珍妮弗•安妮斯顿用吹风机来掩盖方脸?没有水也能洗头吗?如何成为时尚编辑?香水的最佳购买时间是?——如果你对以上的问题的答案,还是一知半解,或者完全不明白,那么你急需这本担任10年时尚杂志编辑、韩国2500万女性时尚教母倾力所著的《时尚生活圣经》。 85种时尚美容大法,32种护肤妙招,28种变发、香氛秘笈,还有各种各样你从未听闻的时尚故事,尽在《时尚生活圣经》! 揭秘让你惊叹的省钱美丽大作战策略,深入为你讲解经典的时尚铁律,完全公开与各种时装艺术家、顶级造型师、顶级化妆师、一流明星共处中,总结出来的美丽、时尚心得。 -
《时尚生活圣经(上):美装•瘦身•扮靓•诀窍》:善于装扮的女人的七大原则是?让你变酷的百元内单品有哪些?时尚编辑的置衣秘诀是?坠入情网就会减少食欲吗?肥胖是天生的吗?玛丽莲•梦露最爱的鞋子是? Levi's501的数字秘密?奥黛丽•赫本钟情的品牌是?怎样才能将干洗的费用节省1/3……——如果你对以上的问题的答案,还是一知半解,或者完全不明白,那么你急需这本担任10年时尚杂志编辑、韩国2500万女性时尚教母倾力所著的《时尚生活圣经》。 85种扮靓诀窍,32种瘦身方法,58种生活窍门,还有数不清的名人扮靓故事,尽在书中!揭秘让你惊叹的省钱美丽大作战策略,深入为你讲解经典的时尚铁律,完全公开与各种时装艺术家、顶级造型师、顶级化妆师、一流明星共处中,总结出来的美丽、时尚心得。 -
红色范思哲 灰色阿玛尼
《红色范思哲灰色阿玛尼:跟大师学色彩搭配》从“色”的角度对绚丽的时装世界进行了探索。它不是一大堆色彩理论的堆砌,而以巴黎、米兰、纽约站立潮头的高级时装为例,分析时装色彩的结构,探寻其独特风格的根源,了解色彩带给时装的韵味,让时尚的你以大师的手装点生活。《红色范思哲灰色阿玛尼:跟大师学色彩搭配》适合服装设计师、色彩搭配师、形象设计师以及服装专业、形象专业的师生作为参考书,更适合时尚人士研读学习。 -
The Sartorialist
Product Description Scott Schuman just wanted to take photographs of people on the street who looked great. His now famous blog ('the bellwether American site that turned photo blogging into an art form' - "New York Times") was an attempt to showcase the wonderful and varied sartorial tastes of real people - not only those of the fashion industry. The book is a beautiful anthology of Scott's favourite shots from around the world. They include photographs of well-known fashion figures as well as those shots of the anonymous passerby whose imagination and taste delight the viewer. From the streets of Rio to Bejing, Stockholm to Milan, these are the people that have inspired Scott and in turn, inspired designers and people of all ages, wages and nationalities with an interest in fashion. Intimately designed and created with Scott, the book is a handsome object in its own right, in full colour on hand-picked, quality paper. --This text refers to the Paperback edition.