在《我的100件时尚单品》中,作者运用自己成熟的时尚智慧和坚定的时尚哲学,回答了一个她最常被问到的问题:哪些才是时尚界最经久不衰的实用型单品? 《我的100件时尚单品》对这个问题进行了详尽的解答。不仅如此,作者甚至不厌其烦地绘制了一张囊括了全球风尚品牌及潮流店铺的购物地图,方便爱美女性安排购物旅行,或者是整理她们也许还不够完美的衣橱装备。 作者在《我的100件时尚单品》中一一历数了她认为历经时尚风云变换仍旧充满魅力的100件时尚单品,值得每一位希望打造自己独有气质的女性细心品读。值得一提的是,全球著名时尚插画家鲁本•托莱多为《我的100件时尚单品》绘制了多达几百幅迷人的手绘插图。 -
《时尚圣经》内容涵盖时装、妆容、珠宝、明星四大部分,向中国及世界展示一百年来时装艺术的终极美学价值,表现高级时装精神,坚持高雅格调,表现视觉创意。这本精美绝伦的特辑里充满了丰富多元充满想象力的时装视觉巨片,由当今全球最有影响力的时尚摄影大师鼎力打造,将时装的不同风格的美感升华至极致,并引发无限的想象。 从中可以欣赏到诸如Peter Lindbergh、Greg Kadel 、Solve Sundsbo、Patrick Demarchelier等当今世界时装界最著名的天才时尚摄影家,和Gucci-Westman、Andy Koh 、Val Garland等国际级的彩妆大师联袂呈现的美轮美奂的创意画面,更珍贵的是——由现今国际时尚界最有影响力的顶级设计师Valentino、Versace、Karl Lagerfeld、John Galliano等人亲自出镜,甚至掌镜创作的时装大片也被收入其中。其中收录的许多国内外影帝、影后亲身演绎的情景大片也是首次在国内集中展示。 -
Shoes, Shoes, Shoes
Fashion lovers rejoice! These swank little books showcase Andy' Warhol's inimitable pictures and pronouncements on shoes and style -- and make ideal gifts for serious shoppers everywhere. Shoes, Shoes, Shoes collects a closetful of high heels, loafers, mules, boots, and sandals, including iconic images from Warhol's Pop heyday as well as rarely seen early advertising illustrations. Accompanied throughout by witty quotes -- "I decided that being a shoe salesman is a really sexy job", for example -- these forty drawings, watercolors, and prints demonstrate Warhol's special talent for transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary. Style, Style, Style offers a cavalcade of forty striking fashion images -- slinky dresses, whimsical period costumes, sprightly scarves, ultrachic bijoux, and more, all drawn from Warhol's archives. Sprinkled throughout with the artist's droll quips and playful epigrams, this stylish minibook conjures up all the decadent pleasures of a shopping spree -- at only a fraction of the cost. -
Anna Sui
Vera Wang On Weddings
What bride doesn't dream of walking down the aisle in a gown by Vera Wang, the world's most sought after bridal designer? Vera Wang, who single-handedly revolutionised the bridal industry with her chic, sophisticated, stylish designs, shares her vision and ideas on every aspect of this special day in a lavish volume produced with Callaway Editions, Ltd. The world's most successful bridal gown designer shares her vision for this most important event--the wedding. Rather than a soup-to-nuts approach with endless lists of what to do, Vera Wang details each aspect of the wedding with her thoughts and ideas, culled from years of experience in the wedding business. From budgets and bouquets to cake and communication, Vera imparts her wisdom and advice. All the traditional parts of planning a wedding - invitations, registries, and music--are included, but what sets this book apart from all the others are the little things she pays attention to. The First Dance, The Bride Who Wears Glasses, Fittings (and weight fluctuations!), The Garter ("Do I Have to Do That?") A wedding book by Vera Wang wouldn't be complete without detail on the bride's gown. She explains how to select the right neckline, construction, length, bodice, and waistline for each bride's figure. What fabrics are appropriate for certain times of day. How to choose among a veil, headband, flower blossoms or bows for a headpiece. All of this is accompanied by hundreds of photographs that illustrate Vera's vision. Vera offers advice on every aspect of this important day. There are 75 essays on gowns, on veils, on waistlines, on choosing a short or long dress, on dressing the bridal party, on rings, on bouquets, on love, and more, with hundreds of glorious photographs. -