Art Now
Contemporary art in a nutshell (TASCHEN's 25th anniversary special edition) This Art Now 25th anniversary special edition brings together recent work and biographical information for over 80 of today's most influential artists, forming a broad and vibrant spectrum of the work that has shaped the art world in recent years. Featured artists include: Matthew Barney, Maurizio Cattelan, John Currin, Tacita Dean, Thomas Demand, Rineke Dijkstra, Douglas Gordon, Andreas Gursky, Thomas Hirschhorn, Damien Hirst, Mike Kelley, Martin Kippenberger, Jeff Koons, Sharon Lockhart, Won Ju Lim, Paul McCarthy, Mariko Mori, Sarah Morris, Vik Muniz, Takashi Murakami, Shirin Neshat, Albert Oehlen, Chris Ofili, Gabriel Orozco, Jorge Pardo, Elizabeth Peyton, Thomas Ruff, Cindy Sherman, Thomas Struth, Wolfgang Tillmans, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Luc Tuymans, Jeff Wall, and Andrea Zittel. -
视觉巴黎是一套丛书,也是一种眼光,见解和生活态度。没有教授与学习,没有主动与被动。在互动沟通当中她传播了时尚设计的资讯,读者们接收了一种异域的思维与文化。 本套丛书文字内容有当下艺术风格,潮流,趋向的总体把握,也有一些具体的实例分析。主要突出巴黎艺术与设计的地域特点。当代艺术设计与历史文化的联系。并且联系国内的环境气氛分析对中国读者的潜在意义。 本册为《橱窗》,作为一种最直接和客观的商品陈设及企业文化传播方式,被巴黎的企业重视着。在巴黎它所被关注的程度是其它城市无法睥睨的。巴黎的橱窗更换频率很高一般为一个月一次,无论是品牌专门店还是大型商场,都会聘请专业的设计公司为之策划和设计,这是一个自上而下的综合的实施过程。本书收录了各大品牌橱窗展示设计的照片。 -
Raf Simons
Belgian fashion designer Raf Simons' clothes are both inspired by and designed for confident male outsiders. His references to youth movements (like punk, goth, and mod) are not meant to be retro; instead Simons tries to translate their energy and determination into modern statements about mental independence. Yet, although they are impeccably cut and created with love and care, clothes are not at the core of Simons' universe. More important to this cult stylist are attitudes, moods, and statements. Music, art, performance, images, and words have each been a starting point for his designs, and, in an attempt to examine today's male psyche Simons takes his inspiration from the rebellion of past and present youth cultures, blending these notions with tradition and roots. This book--published on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Simons's work--presents both a wide range of the intellectual and creative aspects of the designer's work that have sealed his position at the top of fashion's roster. I don't want to show clothes, I want to show my attitude, my past, present, and future. I use memories and future visions and try to place them in today's world. -- Raf Simons Edited by Peter De Potter. Texts by Francesco Bonami, Marc Foxx, Maria Luisa Frisa, Jo-Ann Furniss, Ashley Heath, Ralf Hutter, Terry Jones, Mark Leckey, Simon Price and Collier Schorr. Hardcover, 8 x 10 in./128 pgs / 100 color. -
《亚历山大·麦昆——鬼才时尚教父作品珍藏》(Alexander McQueen: Genius of a Generation),书中除了用文字回顾亚历山大·麦昆(Alexander McQueen)过去的璀灿时装生涯之外,同时还收录了一百二十多张麦昆创作的经典作品大片,包含了1995~2010 年他去世之前所有的经典作品内容。鬼才时尚教父——麦昆的设计作品,值得每一位时尚爱好者、设计从业者拥有的必备“工具书”。亚历山大·麦昆(Alexander McQueen)于2010 年2 月离开人世,时尚作家克里斯汀·诺克斯(Kristin Knox)执笔为McQueen 撰写首本传记,中国纺织出版社于2012 年引进版权并出版《亚历山大·麦昆——鬼才时尚教父作品珍藏》(Alexander McQueen: Genius of a Generation)中文简体版,想要借此机会向他致以最高的敬意。 -
Courtney Love
《火火时尚街拍》以近350幅高品质时尚街拍照片为主,由著名时尚媒体人、时尚达人韩火火,邀请众多圈内好友(包括Angelababy,熊黛林,徐濠萦,薛凯琪,杨幂,高圆圆,田原,尚雯婕,白百何,熊乃瑾,Linda,赵子琪等多位知名影视明星以及名模)来担任街拍主角而共同完成。韩火火用最新时装及流行趋势,为她们量身打造最潮、最酷,也最适合各自风格的时尚街拍造型。 街拍分别在香港、北京两地选取外景,由专业摄影团队精良制作,旨在教会那些喜爱时尚、追捧时尚的都市女性,如何把奢华的单品穿到日常生活中,如何找到适合自己的时尚风格,提升个人的装扮能力和穿衣品味。