The Importance of Living
它以浅显的语言表达着人间真情;它以至深的情感述说着五彩人生;它在每一个角落把真情的火炬点燃;它的每一缕清香在尘世间悠悠流传;它让真情的心灵在碰撞中凝固成永恒。 很高兴《心灵鸡汤家族——豆蔻年华》因大学的支持而诞生了。这本书包括了能够鼓励、感动人的故事,将使你能更热情地生活,并更坚定地去追求你内心的梦想。本书将支持你度过无数的挑战、挫折及失败,平抚你无数的困惑、痛苦和迷失。它将成为你终生的好伙伴,在你生命的各个阶段提供你源源不绝的智能观察力。《心灵鸡汤家族》系列显然算不上是直么干货,但干货吃多了恐怕会肚账,有了热气腾腾的、不同滋味的“汤”做辅料,沿着被干货撑开的丝丝缕缕的缝隙灌溉下去,心灵这偌大无比的空间才会更充实。为了要活下去,我才告诉自己这许多的故事。《心灵鸡汤家族》系列为我创造出一种奇妙的感觉,更产生一个概念——我们同在一起。它们让我了解一个新的真理,提供一个崭新的远景,甚至是一个对于宇宙认知的新途径。为困顿的心开启一扇灵动的窗。 -
A Year in Provence
Capital Ideas
在线阅读本书 Capital Ideas traces the origins of modern Wall Street, from the pioneering work of early scholars and the development of new theories in risk, valuation, and investment returns, to the actual implementation of these theories in the real world of investment management. Bernstein brings to life a variety of brilliant academics who have contributed to modern investment theory over the years: Louis Bachelier, Harry Markowitz, William Sharpe, Fischer Black, Myron Scholes, Robert Merton, Franco Modigliani, and Merton Miller. Filled with in–depth insights and timeless advice, Capital Ideas reveals how the unique contributions of these talented individuals profoundly changed the practice of investment management as we know it today. -
《经典社会学读本》的选文少而精:总共只选入十五篇文章,但入选的篇篇是经典,用编者的话说就是,“这些文章被挑选出来以代表些已经成为或将要成为这个领域中的经典的社会学思想”。这些文章合在一起,将使学生获得关于这个学科性鲜明的感性认识,使他们在原原创性的思想和分析中得到洗礼,迈开从常识思维到社会学思维的第一步。 -
Kitchen Confidential
When Chef Anthony Bourdain wrote "Don t Eat Before You Read This" in The New Yorker, he spared no one s appetite, revealing what goes on behind the kitchen door. In Kitchen Confidential, he expanded that appetizer into a deliciously funny, delectable shocking banquet that lays out his 25 years of sex, drugs, and haute cuisine.From his first oyster in the Gironde to the kitchen of the Rainbow Room atop Rockefeller Center, from the restaurants of Tokyo to the drug dealers of the East Village, from the mobsters to the rats, Bourdain s brilliantly written, wild-but-true tales make the belly ache with laughter.