《语言导论》1974年初版之后,通过不断地修订把语言学领域的最新思想和方法传递给一批又一批的语言学者,其声誉在西方语言学界长盛不衰,至今已经是第七版了。只要打开这本书,马上就可以发现她非同寻常的幽默和生动;只要稍稍浏览一下,就能够领略她简明的语言中蕴涵的对深放工准确的追求;尤其难能可贵的是,作者在语言学的论述中倾入的一腔热情,使得本书的叙述有一种特殊的攫获人心的力量。所有这一切,使得这部天才的著作成为一部难以替代的经典。 书末所附的语言学基本概念小词典,是入门的极有价值的参考资料;不仅有助于准确地理解本书的内容,也是进一步阅读其他英文著作的基础。 -
Great Expectations
Dickens’ epic literary Masterpiece From the agony of Charles Dickens’ disenchantment with the Victorian middle class comes a novel of spellbinding mystery and a profound examination of moral values—this is the story of the orphan Pip’s trials and tribulations among London’s high society circles. -
Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions
A comprehensive exploration of the world's financial markets and institutions. Introduction; Financial Institutions, Financial Intermediaries, and Asset Management Firms; Depository Institutions: Activities and Characteristics; The U.S. Federal Reserve and the Creation of Money; Monetary Policy in the United States; Insurance Companies; Investment Companies and Exchange-Traded Funds; Pension Funds; Properties and Pricing of Financial Assets; The Level and Structure of Interest Rates; The Term Structure of Interest Rates; Risk/Return and Asset Pricing Models; Primary Markets and the Underwriting of Securities; Secondary Markets; Treasury and Agency Securities Markets; Municipal Securities Markets; Markets for Common Stock: The Basic Characteristics; Markets for Common Stock: Structure and Organization; Markets for Corporate Senior Instruments: I; Markets for Corporate Senior Instruments: II; The Markets for Bank Obligations; The Residential Mortgage Market; Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities Market; Market for Commercial Mortgage Loans and Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities; Market for Asset-Backed Securities; Financial Futures Markets; Options Markets; Pricing of Futures and Options Contracts; The Applications of Futures and Options Contracts; OTC Interest Rate Derivatives: Forward Rate Agreements, Swaps, Caps, and Floors; Market for Credit Risk Transfer Vehicles: Credit Derivatives and Collateralized Debt Obligations; The Market for Foreign Exchange and Risk Control Instruments MARKET : Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions , offers a comprehensive exploration of the revolutionary developments occurring in the world's financial markets and institutions –i.e., innovation, globalization, and deregulation–with a focus on the actual practices of financial institutions, investors, and financial instruments. -
Letter to D
‘You’re 82 years old. You’ve shrunk six centimetres, you only weigh 45 kilos yet you’re still beautiful, graceful and desirable’ – so begins André Gorz’s ‘open love letter’ to the woman he has lived with for 58 years and who lies dying next to him. As one of France’s leading post-war philosophers, André Gorz wrote many influential books, but nothing he wrote will be read as widely or remembered as long as this simple, passionate, beautiful letter to his dying wife. In a bittersweet postscript a year after Letter to D was published, a note pinned to the door for the cleaning lady marked the final chapter in an extraordinary love story. André Gorz and his terminally ill wife, Dorine, were found lying peacefully side by side, having taken their lives together. They simply could not live without one another. An international bestseller, Letter to D is the ultimate love story – and all the more poignant because it’s true. -
《近现代世界史(上册)(第10版英文影印版)》讲述的是从中世纪末期到21世纪初的近现代世界的历史。作者以其深刻的历史洞见和巧妙的叙述技巧,为纷繁复杂的当代世界揭示出了历史变迁中的演变之迹。在20世纪后半期美国的世界史教科书中,《近现代世界史(上册)(第10版英文影印版)》是寿命最长、读者最多,影响最大的一种,畅销近六十年,修订十版。 影印版依据最新的英文第十版,分为上下两册(上册1815年前,下册1815年后)。 -
Proofs from THE BOOK
This revised and enlarged fourth edition features five new chapters, which treat classical results such as the "Fundamental Theorem of Algebra", problems about tilings, but also quite recent proofs, for example of the Kneser conjecture in graph theory. The new edition also presents further improvements and surprises, among them a new proof for "Hilbert's Third Problem". From the Reviews: "...Inside [this book] is indeed a glimpse of mathematical heaven, where clever insights and beautiful ideas combine in astonishing and glorious ways. There is vast wealth within its pages, one gem after another..., but many [proofs] are new and brilliant proofs of classical results...Aigner and Ziegler...write: "...all we offer is the examples that we have selected, hoping that our readers will share our enthusiasm about brilliant ideas, clever insights and wonderful observations." I do..." AMS Notices 1999 "...the level is close to elementary ...the proofs are brilliant..." LMS Newsletter 1999