《犯罪的一般理论》内容简介:犯罪学(criminology)是一门在国外产生的重要学科。犯罪学研究的重镇一直在国外,特别是在西方发达国家。中国的犯罪学研究要想得到大的发展,必须很好地吸收全人类犯罪学研究的精粹。美国等其他国家犯罪发展的成功历史也表明,翻译国外的重要犯罪学书籍,是发展本国犯罪研究、提升本国犯罪学水准的重要途径。 中国人公安大学出版社一直将犯罪学作为重要的出版方向之一,此次将《犯罪学名著译丛》介绍给广大读者,也是致力于发展中国犯罪学事业的重要举措。 收入本《译丛》的著,主要是根据下列标准来衡量的:一是犯罪学史上产生过重大影响的;二是获得过重要学术奖项的;三是统计研究表明被广泛引用的;四是与中国犯罪学的发展关系密切的。 本《译丛》是一套开放的丛书,随着时间的推移,我们将尽可能多地把犯罪名著翻译过来,不断累积,蔚为大观,力争成为了解国外犯罪学研究的重要桥梁,为中国乃至整个华人世界犯罪学事业的发展,为恰当认识、有效预防和科学处置犯罪与犯罪人,做出我们的贡献。 -
如同李奧那多主演的神鬼交鋒一般,你渴望從人間蒸發嗎?或是喜歡追尋蛛絲馬跡,嚮往當個偵探嗎?這本書由曾任職於專門將騙子、詐欺者等壞人從世界角落各地揪出來的“Skip Tracker”現身說法,在書中娓娓道來如何幫助被瘋狂病人騷擾的女醫生、証人保護行動裡的受害者,最厲害徹底的抹跡潛逃方法。 -
《犯罪心理学》作者罗大华,中国政法大学出版社是国家教育部直属重点大学中国政法大学主办的高校法学类专业出版社机构,其宗旨是为中国法学教育\法学研究服务。多年来我社始终把法学教材建设放在首位,向广大读者提供研究生、本科、专科、高职、中专等各种层次、多种系列的精品法学教材,其中很多教材荣获国家教育部、司法部、新闻出版总署等部委的优秀教材等,是我国重要的法学教材出版基地之一。 -
世界上存在“完美犯罪”這回事嗎? 犯罪現場的線索能被全部清除掉嗎? 疑犯能否逃脫謀殺罪名? 在同最狡猾的罪犯的較量中,司法科學能否以智取勝? 一個模糊的指紋、一根髮絲、一滴針尖大小的血跡、一段扭曲的纖維、屍體上的一個牙印……最細微的線索都能夠幫助一個司法科學家追蹤殺人案犯或者證實無辜者的清白。 本書應用了20多個著名的真實案例,包括:世界貿易中心的爆炸;對O.J.辛普森(O.J.Simpson)的審訊;甘乃迪總統遇刺案件的調查以及處決連環殺手泰德.邦迪(Ted Bundy)等。 -
Criminal Profiling, Third Edition
Now in its third edition, Criminal Profiling is established as an industry standard text. It moves evidence-based criminal profiling into a full embrace of the scientific method with respect to examining and interpreting behavioral evidence. If focuses on criminal profiling as an investigative and forensic process, helping to solve crime through an honest understanding of the nature and behavior of the most violent criminals. Throughout the text, the author outlines specific principles and practice standards for Behavioral Evidence Analysis, focusing on the application of theory and method to real cases. Criminal Profiling, Third Edition , is an ideal companion for students and professionals alike, including investigators, forensic scientists, criminologists, mental health professionals, and attorneys. With contributing authors representing law enforcement, academic, mental health, and forensic science communities, it offers a balanced perspective not found in other books on this subject. Readers will use it as a comprehensive reference text, a handbook for evaluating physical evidence, a tool to bring new perspectives to cold cases, and as an aid in preparing for criminal trials. * Best-selling author Brent Turvey defines the deductive profiling method, which focuses on examining the nature and behavior of criminals in order to solve crimes * Contributing authors represent law enforcement, academic, mental health, and forensic science communities for a balanced perspective * Completely revised with 35% new material including updates on the latest advances in evidence-based profiling New to this edition * New cases in every chapter * New chapters in logic and reasoning * New chapter reviewing non-evidence based profiling methods * New chapter on mass homicide * New chapter on terrorist profiling and interviewing -
Ghost in the Wires
Kevin Mitnick, the world's most wanted computer hacker, managed to hack into some of the country's most powerful - and seemingly impenetrable - agencies and companies. By conning employees into giving him private information and maneuvering through layers of security, he gained access to data that no one else could. The suspenseful heart of the book unfolds as Mitnick disappears on a three-year run from the FBI. He creates fake identities, finds jobs at a law firm and hospital, and keeps tabs on his myriad pursuers - all while continuing to hack into computer systems and phone company switches that were considered flawless. A modern, technology-driven adventure story, GHOST IN THE WIRES is a dramatic account of the joy of outsmarting security programs, the satisfaction of code-cracking, and the thrill of unbelievable escape.