From the author of the cult sensation Fight Club (now a major motion picture starring Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, and Helena Bonham Carter) comes Survivor. "A turbo-charged, deliciously manic satire of contemporary American life." --Newsday "The only difference between suicide and martyrdom is press coverage," according to the "been there, done that" wisdom of Tender Branson, last surviving member of the Creedish Death Cult. At the opening of Chuck Palahniuk's hilariously unnerving second novel, Tender is cruising on autopilot, 39,000 feet up, dictating the whole of his life story into Flight 2039's "black box" in the final moments before crashing into the vast Australian outback. Not since Kurt Vonnegut's Mother Night has there been as dark and telling a satire on the wages of fame and the bedrock lunacy of the modern world. Wickedly incisive and mesmerizing, Survivor is Chuck Palahniuk at his deadpan peak. -
“CAN YOU FEEL THIS?” Chuck Palahniuk, the bestselling author of Fight Club , Choke , and Lullaby continues his twenty-first-century reinvention of the horror novel in this scary and profound look at our quest for some sort of immortality. Diary takes the form of a “coma diary” kept by one Misty Tracy Wilmot as her husband lies senseless in a hospital after a suicide attempt. Once she was an art student dreaming of creativity and freedom; now, after marrying Peter at school and being brought back to once quaint, now tourist-overrun Waytansea Island, she’s been reduced to the condition of a resort hotel maid. Peter, it turns out, has been hiding rooms in houses he’s remodeled and scrawling vile messages all over the walls—an old habit of builders but dramatically overdone in Peter’s case. Angry homeowners are suing left and right, and Misty’s dreams of artistic greatness are in ashes. But then, as if possessed by the spirit of Maura Kinkaid, a fabled Waytansea artist of the nineteenth century, Misty begins painting again, compulsively. But can her newly discovered talent be part of a larger, darker plan? Of course it can … Diary is a dark, hilarious, and poignant act of storytelling from America’s favorite, most inventive nihilist. It is Chuck Palahniuk’s finest novel yet. -
劫機犯的空中獨白,精彩的倒敘手法,原本已確定改拍電影,卻遭逢911事件而宣告終止。諸多揣測這本書間接刺激恐怖行動的發生! 「耶穌的痛苦如果沒有人目擊的話,我們的罪惡會得到救贖嗎?救贖的關鍵就在於可以獲得多少人的注目,能吸引多少的鎂光燈--也就是收視率、曝光度、知名度、特派記者的數目。要區別自殺或殉教的唯一差別,就是媒體的注目程度。」 在燃料即將見底,引擎一個個停止的飛機駕駛艙之中。他對著黑盒子訴說一生,並迎接死亡--一個出身於與世隔絕的教會組織的男人,到社會進行侍奉活動時,意外錯過教會的集體自殺行動……活下來的他,意外被媒體捧為新寵兒。十年後,當年集體自殺事件生還的一百多名倖存者,僅剩下六個人了……他們是自殺,抑或是被人殺害……? 《鬥陣俱樂部》作者,反諷媒體亂象的黑色幽默經典。 測試、測試、一、二、三。 你現在所聽到的,是二○三九號班機黑盒子的錄音,現在飛機上只有我一個人而已。 我挾持了這架波音七四七, 當燃料耗盡之後,飛機將以每秒三十二英呎的速度衝向地面。 這個世界上不會有人記得我。 然而,當飛機墜毀後,我的故事一定會被發現。 新聞媒體說我是聖潔的救世主,說我是信奉邪教的連續殺人犯--接下來,我會是劫機的恐怖份子。 那些都不是真的。 關於我為什麼會在這裡,以及倖存者為何只剩下我一人, 還有幾個小時, 應該夠我把事情從頭說完一遍。 測試、測試、一、二、三。 如果你聽得到的話, 請聽我說-- -
Victor Mancini, a medical-school dropout, is an antihero for our deranged times. Needing to pay elder care for his mother, Victor has devised an ingenious scam: he pretends to choke on pieces of food while dining in upscale restaurants. He then allows himself to be “saved” by fellow patrons who, feeling responsible for Victor’s life, go on to send checks to support him. When he’s not pulling this stunt, Victor cruises sexual addiction recovery workshops for action, visits his addled mom, and spends his days working at a colonial theme park. His creator, Chuck Palahniuk, is the visionary we need and the satirist we deserve. -
Fight Club