在线阅读本书 The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, the second and final novel by Anne Bront?, is concerned with the story of a woman who leaves her abusive, dissolute husband, and who must then support herself and her young son. Originally published in June of 1848, it challenged the prevailing morals of the time; a critic went so far as to pronounce it "utterly unfit to be put into the hands of girls". It is considered to be one of the first feminist novels. This work is a sometimes violent and brutal tale of love and betrayal, separation and reconciliation, set in the familiar Bronte landscape of bleak houses in moorland settings. This new edition is taken from the 1848 second edition of the text, with corrections made to that text. From AudioFile Helen Graham has taken up residence in the bleak Wildfell Hall with her young son to escape her alcoholic and philandering husband. The story is narrated both by Helen and the man who falls in love with her. Frederick Davidson and Nadia May take the roles of the storytellers, and they do an excellent job of portraying both the male and female voices. May reads Helen's diary and correspondence. May's voice is young, fresh and naive, well-suited to Helen as a young woman; the voices of the men are excellent as well. Her laughter sounds genuine, and her portrayal of drunken men is perfect. She moves the narrative along crisply, with just the right touch of drama. Davidson's voicing is also excellent, but he tends to overdramatize at times, and his tempo is just a shade too fast. The choice to use both male and female narrators was a good one, enlivening the story and underlining the differences between the sexes in Victorian England. S.S.R. From 500 Great Books by Women; review by Erica Bauermeister Of the three Bronte sisters, Emily and Charlotte are better known, yet it is Anne's work which carries some of the strongest feminist themes. In The Tenant of Wildfell Hall a devout young woman named Helen falls in love with a man who is handsome, but whose values are questionable; willing to believe she can alter his character, she marries him. Her marriage becomes a misery she has no power to change until she devises a bold plan to take control. Her story comes through two voices - her own and that of Gilbert Markham, a man who falls in love with Helen later in her life - and is told through journals and letters written over a period of time. Because of the privacy and immediacy of these narratives, the reader sees personal changes and attitudes Helen and Gilbert are often unaware of at the time: we witness Helen's first naive protestations of passion for her husband and follow her through her eventual disillusionment; we recognize Gilbert's early, unconscious egotism. While the plot continues and mysteries are unraveled, what Helen and Gilbert say - as well as what they don't say - provides another story to follow, which reinforces Anne Bronte's indictment of the sexual double standards of nineteenth-century Britain. Book Dimension Height (mm) 198 Width (mm) 126 -
勃朗特家族的五大悬案 1847年10月16日,一本作者署名“柯勒•贝尔”(Currer Bell)的长篇小说,悄悄出现在英国街头的书店里。短短几个月内,这部作品连印三版,引发了整个英国文坛的强烈震动。《名利场》的作者萨克雷称其为“一位伟大天才的杰作”,与萨克雷和狄更斯齐名的英国小说家乔治•艾略特也为之“深深地陶醉”。同时,媒体和读者纷纷猜测这位名不见经传的“柯勒•贝尔”究竟是何方神圣,关于作者性别和身份的怀疑笼罩在层层疑云之中。160年后的今天,这部小说的作者我们早已耳熟能详,她就是英国女作家——夏洛蒂•勃朗特,而这部小说则是我们更为熟悉的——《简•爱》。 夏洛蒂•勃朗特以及她的两个妹妹——《呼啸山庄》的作者艾米丽•勃朗特和《艾格尼丝•格雷》安妮•勃朗特,被称为维多利亚时代“英国妇女最高荣誉的三位一体”。她们不仅留下了不朽的文学作品,还留下了一个又一个不可解的谜团。早在1929年,K•A•R•萨格登就曾列举勃朗特家族的五大悬案: (1)科恩桥学校(夏洛蒂早年寄宿的教会学校,她的两个姐姐都死在那里)的是非之谜; (2)夏洛蒂对赫格尔(夏洛蒂的老师)的感情之谜; (3)布朗威尔(夏洛蒂的弟弟)和女东家(雇布朗威尔当家庭教师的一个富婆)的关系之谜; (4)《呼啸山庄》的作者之谜(有人认为《呼啸山庄》并非艾米丽一个写成,她和弟弟布朗威尔同为这部小说的作者); (5)艾米丽的性格之谜(不出家乡荒原、从不接触异性的女子何以写出《呼啸山庄》中如火如茶的两性情爱和复仇场面?那种遁世的孤僻性格又是怎样形成的?)。 这五个令人费解的疑团,有的涉及史实真伪(许多学者在他们的研究著作或是为勃朗特姐妹撰写的传记中已经做出了种种考证);另一些则关乎各人的理解和阐释,可以无休止地探讨下去。于是,有些答案渐渐浮出了水面,另一些则至今众说纷纭。 ************************************************************************************ 文学与历史的合谋 曾以“佐野一郎”系列悬疑小说曾经吸引了众多读者的美国亚裔女作家劳拉•佐•罗兰(Laura Joh Rowland),别出心裁地为勃朗特家族的种种疑团提供了一种文学的解释——这就是她的小说《异香:勃朗特的神秘冒险》(The Secret Adventures of Charlotte Bronte,以下简称《异香》)。 素来温柔得体的夏洛蒂•勃朗特得知《简•爱》被指抄袭后即刻赴伦敦以澄清名誉,却在无意中目击了一桩诡异莫名的谋杀案。夏洛蒂随即发现自己卷入了一连串危险的事件,这令她被迫直面来自自己过去的魔鬼。在妹妹艾米丽与安妮以及死者的哥哥——一位充满魅力的神秘男士的帮助下,夏洛蒂逐步揭开了一张致命的阴谋之网,不仅威胁到她本人的安全,而且涉及她的家庭乃至整个国家。这场历险令夏洛蒂从生活宁静的约克郡旷野走上充斥着种种犯罪行为的伦敦街头,最后来到密布鸦片阴影的亚洲港口。 在天马行空的情节流转之中,我们也能看到:导致夏洛蒂的两个姐姐不幸夭折的科恩桥学校,如幽灵一般在夏洛蒂的内心深处蠢蠢欲动;她对自己昔日的老师、有妇之夫赫格尔先生旧情难忘,数年之后却在一个怪异的场合里重逢;弟弟布朗威尔因苦恋女东家莉迪亚而自暴自弃,临死前却做出一件令人匪夷所思的事……勃朗特家族尘封多年的神秘逸事在此逐一显现,就连被断言“永不可解”的“艾米丽的性格之谜”也被抽丝剥茧般地展露无遗。 在《异香》中,文学和历史犹如两位合谋的叙事者,不动声色,请君入瓮,在虚构与真实的两重世界里经历一番维多利亚式的冒险。孰真孰假,莫衷一是。只要开卷阅读,便已置身于迷局之中。如果说《简•爱》是夏洛蒂•勃朗特“诗意的生平写照”,那么《异香》便是勃朗特一家神秘莫测的“家族想象”。我们甚至可以说,《简爱》、《呼啸山庄》、《艾格尼丝•格雷》统统都是这部小说的底色,史实与幻想在充满张力的情节中彼此博弈又相互交融,不着痕迹地弥散在字里行间。 ************************************************************************************ 第三重迷雾 在今天的话语环境中,翻译不再是单纯的、个人化的技术行为,它往往受到语言、文化乃至政治因素的干扰。一篇译文甚至可以说是两种语言文化“交火”的战场,展现在读者眼前不过是硝烟弥漫下的一片废墟。从某种程度上说,《异香》同样不能免于这种命运。正如小说题目所隐喻的那样——“异”是入侵,是叛逆;“香”是蛊惑,是渗透——如果说勃朗特家族的历史悬案是《异香》的第一重迷雾,而幻想与真实的含混交织是它的第二重迷雾,那么语言的转移又给这部小说投下了第三重迷雾。 不过,任何想象总会留下现实的凭据,文字的变异同样隐匿着有迹可循的线索。无论叙述还是翻译,都只是一场除不尽蛛丝马迹的文字游戏。聪明的读者总能拨开迷雾,还原历史的场景与真实的人物,回到“战争”开始前的那个世界,回到历史的终点,回到叙述的起点。 -
Struggling manufacturer Robert Moore has introduced labour saving machinery to his Yorkshire mill, arousing a ferment of unemployment and discontent among his workers. Robert considers marriage to the wealthy and independent Shirley Keeldar to solve his financial woes, yet his heart lies with his cousin Caroline, who, bored and desperate, lives as a dependent in her uncle's home with no prospect of a career. Shirley, meanwhile, is in love with Robert's brother, an impoverished tutor - a match opposed by her family. As industrial unrest builds to a potentially fatal pitch, can the four be reconciled? Set during the Napoleonic wars at a time of national economic struggles, "Shirley" (1849) is an unsentimental, yet passionate depiction of conflict between classes, sexes and generations. -
一个多世纪以来,“勃朗特姐妹”――夏洛蒂・勃朗特、艾米莉・勃朗特和安妮・勃朗特的作品――《简・爱》、《呼啸山庄》、《艾格尼丝・格雷》吸引、鼓舞、震撼了千百万读者,她们的作品以及她们的生活已经成了亘古永恒的文学话题。本书展现了处在社会大变革过程中的勃朗特姐妹的生活以及她们的文学世界。作者把她们置于当时的背景之下,探究了社会环境对她们的创作的影响。 -
The Bronte Story