作者总结自已多年的心理治疗经验,生动细致地描绘了自恋者给你带来的困扰,点明了这一人群的核心特征“七宗罪”,并且从家庭环境和文化氛围两种角度出发,阐述了自恋问题形成的原因。更重要的是,本书还针对各类自恋人群,比如自恋的伴侣、自恋的父母、自恋的老板等,提出了一系列具体实用的应对技巧,能够有效帮助你走出身边这些自恋者设下的“圈套”,重获健康的关系和美满的人生 -
How To Think Straight About Psychology
Keith Stanovich'swidely usedand highly acclaimed book helps students become morediscriminating consumers of psychological information, helping them recognize pseudoscience and be able to distinguish it from true psychological research.Stanovich helps instructors teach critical thinking skills within the rich context of psychology. It is the leading text of its kind. How to Think Straight About Psychology says about the discipline of psychology what many instructors would like to say but haven't found a way to. That is one reason adopters have called it “an instructor's dream text” and often comment “I wish I had written it. It tells my students just what I want them to hear about psychology”. -
《社会心理学》(英文版)(第8版)将基础研究与实践应用完美地结合在一起,以富有逻辑性的组织结构引领学生了解人们是如何思索、影响他人并与他人建立联系的。是人们了解自身、了解社会、了解自己与社会之间关系的最佳的指导性书籍。《社会心理学》(英文版)(第8版)被美国700多所大学/学院心理系所采用,是这一领域的主导教材,已经成为评价其他教材的标准。 -
是对霍妮的人生经历、内心冲突、思想演变的全面审视,为了解霍妮及其思想不可多得之作。 -
《精神分析导论讲演 精神分析经典译丛》丛书共18种,精心选取精神分析大师弗洛伊德、阿德勒、荣格、荷妮和弗罗姆的经典之作,分别从性欲、社会、生活环境、文化传统等方面对人的状态心理——大至精神病串,小至日常笔误、舌误等过失进行了深入的精神分析。读书界完全懂得要用正确的分析态度去研讨这些著作,汲取其精华,剔除其糟粕,为我所有。 -
What Every BODY is Saying
He says that's his best offer. Is it? She says she agrees. Does she? The interview went great—or did it? He said he'd never do it again. But he did. Read this book and send your nonverbal intelligence soaring. Joe Navarro, a former FBI counterintelligence officer and a recognized expert on nonverbal behavior, explains how to "speed-read" people: decode sentiments and behaviors, avoid hidden pitfalls, and look for deceptive behaviors. You'll also learn how your body language can influence what your boss, family, friends, and strangers think of you. You will discover: The ancient survival instincts that drive body language Why the face is the least likely place to gauge a person's true feelings What thumbs, feet, and eyelids reveal about moods and motives The most powerful behaviors that reveal our confidence and true sentiments Simple nonverbals that instantly establish trust Simple nonverbals that instantly communicate authority Filled with examples from Navarro's professional experience, this definitive book offers a powerful new way to navigate your world. For twenty-five years, Joe Navarro was an FBI counterintelligence special agent and supervisor specializing in nonverbal communications. A frequent lecturer, he serves on the adjunct faculty at Saint Leo University and the FBI.