《女性心理学》以年龄为展开线索,将女性在毕生发展过程中不同阶段遇到的问题及其特点给予了清楚的说明,读起来就像逐渐展开一幅人生的画卷,清晰而有节奏。由《女性心理学》的上述特点,使得它不仅可作为女性心理学课程的教材,而且还可作为普通心理学、发展心理学、社会心理学、女性学等课程的补充教材和参考资料。同时,也可作为女性了解自己、男性了解女性的一条途径。 -
这部世界知名的普通心理学教材一直享有盛誉,科学性和实用性的完美结合使《心理学:主题曲和变奏曲(英文版)(原书第8版)》在诸多心理学入门教材中脱颖而出,成为美国一流高校中使用量最大的心理学专业入门教材之一,并在全球广泛采用。《心理学:主题曲和变奏曲(英文版)(原书第8版)》充分反映了作者在国际心理学教学领域的权威地位,他独具匠心的撰写方式成就了经典之作,值得我们借鉴和学习。 -
为推动心理咨询师职业培训和职业技能鉴定工作的开展,在心理咨询从业人员中推行国家职业资格证书制度,劳动和社会保障部职业技能鉴定中心、中国心理卫生协会组织制定了(心理咨询师国家职业标准》(简称《标准》)。在此基础上,组织部分参加《标准》编 写和审定的专家及其他有关专家,编写了《国家职业资格培训教程·心理咨询师》 (简称(教程》)。 (教程)紧贴《标准),内容上力求体现“以职业活动为导向,以职业技能为核心”的指导思想,突出职业培训特色;结构上,《教程》是针对本职业的职业活动的领域,按照模块化的方式,分级进行编写的。 (教程》的章对应于《标准》的“职业功能”,节对应于标准》的“工作内容”,节中阐述的内容对应于《标准》“技能要求”和“相关知识”等内容。针对(标准)中的“基本要求”,还专门编写了这个职业的《基础知识》,它是这个职业各个级别的从业必备知识。 (国家职业资格培训教程·心理咨询师》适用于心理咨询从业人员的培训,是职业技能鉴定的指定辅导用书。 -
The Upside of Irrationality
The provocative follow-up to the New York Times bestseller Predictably Irrational Why can large bonuses make CEOs less productive? How can confusing directions actually help us? Why is revenge so important to us? Why is there such a big difference between what we think will make us happy and what really makes us happy? In his groundbreaking book Predictably Irrational, social scientist Dan Ariely revealed the multiple biases that lead us into making unwise decisions. Now, in The Upside of Irrationality, he exposes the surprising negative and positive effects irrationality can have on our lives. Focusing on our behaviors at work and in relationships, he offers new insights and eye-opening truths about what really motivates us on the job, how one unwise action can become a long-term habit, how we learn to love the ones we're with, and more. Drawing on the same experimental methods that made Predictably Irrational one of the most talked-about bestsellers of the past few years, Ariely uses data from his own original and entertaining experiments to draw arresting conclusions about how—and why—we behave the way we do. From our office attitudes, to our romantic relationships, to our search for purpose in life, Ariely explains how to break through our negative patterns of thought and behavior to make better decisions. The Upside of Irrationality will change the way we see ourselves at work and at home—and cast our irrational behaviors in a more nuanced light. -
《西尔格德心理学:心理学导论》(第14版)一直被奉为普通心理学教科书的经典之作。Ernest R.Hilgard(西尔格德)教授自1928年便在耶鲁大学和斯坦福大学教授非常受欢迎的心理学导论课程。该书最早是1953年他本人在多年教学经验基础上,独自编写的普通心理学教科书。由于内容丰富、观点全面、着重启发学生思维、特别适合对初学者的教学和自学,该书一出版即广受赞誉,到1962年第三版时,销量已高达415 000册,成为当年最畅销的图书,很,陕就出版了法语。德语、意大利语、西班牙语等多种文字的译本。 为了不断充实心理学界新的研究内容和适应发展中不断出现的新分支领域,西尔格德心理学教科书从1967年修订开始增加新作者,并每隔三四年修订一次。虽然新作者都是各个领域的专家,但为了纪念Hilgard对此书和心理学教学的贡献,始终保留Hilgard为主要作者的地位。由于本书材料新颖、观点全面,我认为它对于心理学界无论哪一个分支的学者,都是一本不可或缺的重要读物。 强力推荐:Atkinson and Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology With Infotrac 英文原版火热发售 -
You have heard about how a musician loses herself in her music, how a painter becomes one with the process of painting. In work, sport, conversation or hobby, you have experienced, yourself, the suspension of time, the freedom of complete absorption in activity. This is "flow," an experience that is at once demanding and rewarding--an experience that Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi demonstrates is one of the most enjoyable and valuable experiences a person can have. The exhaustive case studies, controlled experiments and innumerable references to historical figures, philosophers and scientists through the ages prove Csikszentmihalyi's point that flow is a singularly productive and desirable state. But the implications for its application to society are what make the book revolutionary.