The Queen of the Damned
In a feat of virtuoso storytelling, Anne Rice unleashes Akasha, the queen of the damned, who has risen from a six-thousand-year sleep to let loose the powers of the night. Akasha has a marvelously devious plan to “save” mankind and destroy the vampire Lestat—in this extraordinarily sensual novel of the complex, erotic, electrifying world of the undead. -
Interview with the Vampire
A richly-illustrated adaptation of Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire, told through the eyes of the vampire Claudia, who was just a little girl when she was turned by the vampire Lestat. Though she spends many years of happiness with her two vampire fathers, she gradually grows discontent with their insistence upon treating her like a little girl, even though she has lived as long as any mortal man...and her lust to kill is certainly no less than theirs... -
在描述自 18 世紀末到 20 世紀近兩百年間吸血鬼們愛慾糾纏的《夜訪吸血鬼》一書中,主角之一的黎斯特英俊而泠酷;到了《吸血鬼黎斯特》,他更成為主角中的主角。身為法國大革命前的一名風流貴族,搖身一變成為1980年代的搖滾歌星;他穿越時空四處尋覓同類,努力探詢自身長年不死的神奇奧祕,一段驚心動魄經歷構築了魔幻、恐怖、複雜的精彩故事,將引領讀者身歷其境、無法呼吸。 《吸血鬼黎斯特》一書是安.萊斯「吸血鬼系列」的第二部(前一部為《夜訪吸血鬼》)。黎斯特是此極富想像力小說中的主要人物,曾是法國大革命前的一個風流貴族,如今搖身一變成為1980年代的搖滾歌星。他穿越時光歲月,努力想弄清楚自己長年不死的神奇奧秘,他那驚心動魄的傳奇經歷構成了魔幻恐怖複雜的精彩故事。 目 錄 .城裡週六晚, 20 世紀1984年 .第一部 雷利歐熠熠上昇 .第二部 梅格能傳奇 .第三部 侯爵夫人的臨終聖餐 .第四部 幽冥子孫 .第五部 吸血鬼阿曼德 .第六部 在魔鬼之路,從巴黎到開羅 .第七部 古老的法術,古老的玄祕 .後記 .夜訪吸血鬼 .戴歐尼斯在舊金山,1985年 -
The Vampire Armand Book 6
See the difference, read #1 bestselling author Anne Rice in Large Print * About Large Print All Random House Large Print editions are published in a 16-point typeface In the latest installment of The Vampire Chronicles, Anne Rice summons up dazzling worlds to bring us the story of Armand - eternally young, with the face of a Botticelli angel. Armand, who first appeared in all his dark glory more than twenty years ago in the now-classic Interview with the Vampire , the first of The Vampire Chronicles, the novel that established its author worldwide as a magnificent storyteller and creator of magical realms. Now, we go with Armand across the centuries to the Kiev Rus of his boyhood - a ruined city under Mongol dominion - and to ancient Constantinople, where Tartar raiders sell him into slavery. And in a magnificent palazzo in the Venice of the Renaissance we see him emotionally and intellectually in thrall to the great vampire Marius, who masquerades among humankind as a mysterious, reclusive painter and who will bestow upon Armand the gift of vampiric blood. As the novel races to its climax, moving through scenes of luxury and elegance, of ambush, fire, and devil worship to nineteenth-century Paris and today's New Orleans, we see its eternally vulnerable and romantic hero forced to choose between his twilight immortality and the salvation of his immortal soul. From the Trade Paperback edition. -
The Vampire Lestat
Once an aristocrat in the heady days of pre-revolutionary France, now Lestat is a rockstar in the demonic, shimmering 1980s. He rushes through the centuries in search of others like him, seeking answers to the mystery of his terrifying exsitence. His story, the second volume in Anne Rice's best-selling Vampire Chronicles, is mesmerizing, passionate, and thrilling. "Frightening, sensual." SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE -
《少年吸血鬼阿曼德》(1988)為安.萊絲「吸血鬼紀事」的第六部。(前五部分別為《夜訪吸血鬼》、《吸血鬼黎斯特》、《天譴者的女王》、《肉體竊賊》、《惡魔蔓諾克》。) 擁有少男外貌與永恆青春的阿曼德,五百年的年華流轉。情節綜合古今,場景橫跨歐亞美各地。(君士坦丁堡、威尼斯、基輔羅斯、巴黎、紐約、紐奧爾良。) 在吸血鬼系列之前出版的小說中,阿曼德只是一個小角色。他外型如天使般俊秀,但性格冷酷,心思細膩而愛恨分明。在本書中,阿曼德成為主角,向吸血鬼大衛‧泰柏特敘述自己五百年來的生活種種。阿曼德成為吸血鬼時,約在十六世紀初,當時年約17歲,身高五呎六吋。他在基輔時本名安特烈,之後被馬瑞斯稱為阿曼狄歐(為上帝所愛的人),接著再被亞麗珊卓取名為阿曼德。 他原是出生於基輔羅斯貧苦鄉村的男孩安特烈,被父親強拉外出打獵卻被土耳其人俘虜、賣給妓院。儘管被加以威逼利誘,但他始終拒絕出賣自己的肉體,在幾乎瀕死的情況下,吸血鬼馬瑞斯把他從地獄中解救出來,卻也使這位俊秀美少年成為同類,從此過著五百年游移於黑暗之中的異界生活。 馬瑞斯稱阿曼德為阿曼狄歐,他與馬瑞斯的學徒男孩們共同學習文藝武術,浸淫於文藝復興的藝術中。他曾於瀕死之際,遊歷天界,體驗到愛即一切;而在基輔的歲月中,他是個天才畫師,聖像對他有深遠意義。阿曼德帶有純真的聖徒之心,以及深沈旺盛的虔誠信仰…… 1499年馬瑞斯遭吸血族攻擊,為火焰吞噬。侍奉撒旦的吸血鬼領袖桑提諾救了阿曼德。阿曼德經過折磨後,加入桑提諾及亞麗珊卓,經過傳承,最後他前往巴黎領導當地吸血族,此時名字由阿曼狄歐改為阿曼德。18世紀時黎斯特出場,吸血鬼劇場誕生。1870年路易斯從美洲前來巴黎。阿曼德愛上路易斯。之後阿曼德愛上了少年記者丹尼爾。阿曼德曾經設立無邪者的巴黎巢穴以及夜島,歷經天譴者的女王大屠殺…… 黎斯特愛戀上人類朵拉,歷經被吸出地球大氣層;而阿曼德則是追尋聖容而奔日,被焚燒但未亡。接著出現在在紐約,解救了人類西貝耶和小班杰……黎斯特現今陷入沉睡中,他親睹過天堂與地獄,實情為何?聖帕,上帝的容顏如何影響阿曼德?在歷經種種試驗與磨難,阿曼德重拾信仰,也從仰望馬瑞斯的學生蛻變為引導他人的導師。