一场看似无懈可击的谋杀审判,一段跨越二十年的高墙抗争,一曲动人心魄的越狱传奇……蒙冤入狱的银行家安迪?杜弗雷在地狱般的肖申克监狱,凭借理性与希望,二十年如一日坚守自己的救赎之路,救人救己,穿越层层苦难,最终逃出生天,并将希望深深印刻在肖申克每一个人的心中……这一个斯蒂芬?金的故事,经达拉邦特改编并拍摄,成为电影史上最光辉的一笔,曾获奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳剧本、最佳男主角等七项大奖提名,给无数人带来勇气与希望。 翻开这本书,除了重温电影曾带给我们的感动与震撼,重温安迪惊心动魄又令人拍案叫绝的越狱故事,重温那一幅幅感人至深的画面,如果仔细翻看,你还会有很多新的收获:情节逆转——在剧本里,原来竟有那么多情节是与电影不一样的啊;导演解密——导演兼编剧达拉邦特通过对逐个镜头的详细解析,解密了《肖申克的救赎》是如何从剧本变成一部经典大片的;拍摄故事——影片当中的穿帮镜头和各种匪夷所思的拍摄花絮也是身为“肖申克迷”不得不知的秘密…… -
Dark Towers Boxed Set
Review An impressive work of mythic magnitude. May turn out to be Stephen King's greatest literary achievement. -- Atlanta Journal-Constitution Review An impressive work of mythic magnitude. May turn out to be Stephen King's greatest literary achievement. (Atlanta Journal-Constitution) Product Description Now Available in a box set-the first four Dark Tower Books -- with new material from the author! The Gunslinger The Drawing of the Three The Waste Lands Wizard and Glass In this brilliant series, Stephen King introduced readers to one of his most enigmatic heroes, Roland of Gilead, The Last Gunslinger. Roland's quest for the Dark Tower took readers on a wildly epic ride-through parallel worlds and across time. A classic tale of colossal scope-crossing over terrain from The Stand, The Eyes of the Dragon, Insomnia, The Talisman, Black House, Hearts in Atlantis, Salem's Lot, and other familiar King haunts-the adventure took hold with the turn of each page... In a major publishing event, the quest for the Dark Tower continues in Wolves of the Calla (Volume V), Song of Susannah (Volume VI), and The Dark Tower (Volume VII), coming from Scribner, beginning in November 2003. Now readers can go back to where it all began with this box set of the first four Dark Tower titles, each featuring a new packaging and new introduction. Plus Book I, The Gunslinger, has been completely revised and expanded throughout. -
The Dark Half
The Stand 斯蒂芬·金
在线阅读本书 Arguably the greatest horror novel ever written by the greatest horror novelist, this is a true Modern Classic that was first published in 1978, and then re-published in 1990, complete and unabridged, with 150,000 words cut from the first edition restored, and now accompanied by unusual and imaginative line art. The total copies for both editions, in hardcover and paperback, exceeds 4 million worldwide. The Stand is a truly terrifying reading experience, and became a four-part mini-series that memorably brought to life the cast of characters and layers of story from the novel. It is an apocalyptic vision of the world, when a deadly virus runs amok around the globe. But that lethal virus is almost benign compared to the satanic force gathering minions from those still alive to destroy humanity and create a world populated by evil. Stephen King is a brilliant storyteller who has the uncanny gift of putting ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances, giving readers an experience that chills and thrills on every page. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. -
《金田一探案集》包括《驼背的诅咒》《迷路的新娘》《名琅庄惨案》《十月的高跟鞋》《恶魔的宠儿》《化妆舞会》《恶魔的彩球歌》《神秘女子杀人事件》《幽灵男》《杀人预告》等,均使用同一ISBN。此外使用相同ISBN的还有斯蒂芬·金最新代表作《缅因鬼镇》《恶梦工厂》《致命游戏》等,以及《作家之路》编《滋润心灵:读者珍藏本》阿京长篇小说《十月的高跟鞋》等。 -
Everything's Eventual 1408