如果达尔文不只提出进化论,还发现了DNA? 如果戴姆勒既发明了汽车,又造出武装机甲? 如果第一次世界大战是在达尔文主义者与大机器崇拜者之间展开? 这是你所不知道的、未曾发生的历史—— “比希摩斯”是英国皇军海军中最凶猛的巨怪,它可以一口吞掉敌军的战舰。达尔文协约国将会借助它的力量来与机械同盟国抗衡。 德琳是一个扮作男生在英国空军服役的女孩子,而亚历山大则是一个伪装成平民的奥匈帝国继承人。这两人都随利维坦号飞艇出征,希望能阻止战争。但当利维坦号的和平使命陷入危机时,两人发现自己正身陷敌军的领土之上,孤立无援、疲惫不堪。 亚历山大和德琳需要新的盟友军和顽强的斗志面对前方的困难。 -
Steampunk Style Jewelry
This how-to jewelry-making book features the work of an array of invited jewelry designers influenced by the growing Steampunk trend. In Steampunk circles, jewelry-makers are often master metalsmiths who combine found objects with fine metals to create elaborate pieces. In "Steampunk-Style Jewelry," the projects focus on "no fire" techniques--like simple stringing, wirework, hammering, stamping, gluing, stitching, and off-loom beadwork--so that even a beginner can create pieces in the style. Each project provides a complete materials and tools list, step-by-step instructions, and clear illustrations. This book offers a broad overview of a growing design trend that is part of the literary, industrial design, fashion, and popular culture scene. Readers will learn about the art movement through the many photographic sidebars that explore the many aspects of the trend. -
本书讲述了一个隐含着传统理念和道德隐喻的惊险幻想故事,构建了一幅城市在地球上移动、边走边吞噬其他城市和乡镇的未来主义前景。《致命的发动机》于2002年获得“雀巢聪明豆儿童图书奖”(金奖)和“白面包儿童图书奖”提名,是一位天才作家杰出而令人震撼的新作。它把我们带到这样一个世界里——要想在这个世界生存,所有的城市都要把自己连根拔起…… 这是春天里一个黑暗的、狂风呼啸的下午,伦敦城正在跨越干涸的老北海,追逐一个小矿镇。 伦敦又开始行动了。长期以来,这座城市一直潜伏在深山里,躲避大猎场里那些更大、更快、更饥饿的城市的捕猎。当这座城市内部的事情出现不祥的转折时,它开始追逐起它的猎物…… 年轻的女刺客海斯特·肖跨越这座城市追踪行刺目标。她的行动受到年轻学徒汤姆的阻挠。汤姆最终也卷进一场真正的历险。他的鲁莽干预让自己和女刺客一起陷入一片泥海之中,而在城市里养尊处优的姑娘凯瑟琳也卷了进来。几乎一夜之间,她好像长大了。 -
The Steampunk Bible
Steampunk—a grafting of Victorian aesthetic and punk rock attitude onto various forms of science-fiction culture—is a phenomenon that has come to influence film, literature, art, music, fashion, and more. The Steampunk Bible is the first compendium about the movement, tracing its roots in the works of Jules Verne and H. G. Wells through its most recent expression in movies such as Sherlock Holmes. Its adherents celebrate the inventor as an artist and hero, re-envisioning and crafting retro technologies including antiquated airships and robots. A burgeoning DIY community has brought a distinctive Victorian-fantasy style to their crafts and art. Steampunk evokes a sense of adventure and discovery, and embraces extinct technologies as a way of talking about the future. This ultimate manual will appeal to aficionados and novices alike as author Jeff VanderMeer takes the reader on a wild ride through the clockwork corridors of Steampunk history. -
But in the normal course of life, our need for air is far from our thoughts, and indeed many would say that satisfying that need is the least important part of going to the filling stations. For the filling stations are the primary venue for social conversation, the places from which we draw emotional sustenance as well as physical. We all keep spare sets of full lungs in our homes, but when one is alone, the act of opening one’s chest and replacing one’s lungs can seem little better than a chore. In the company of others, however, it becomes a communal activity, a shared pleasure Hugo Award for Best Short Story (2009) ,Locus Award for Best Short Story (2009) British Science Fiction Association Award for Best Short Story (2009) Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire for Best Translated Short Story or Collection (2010) -
如果达尔文不只提出进化论,还发现了DNA? 如果戴姆勒既发明了汽车,又造出武装机甲? 如果1914年第一次世界大战爆发的真相,不是教科书告诉你的那样? 这是你所不知道的、未曾发生的历史—— 殊死搏斗的两大阵营已悄然改变。谁会取胜?是崇拜大机器的德奥同盟国,还是将生物改造成工具和武器的英法俄协约国? 在战火纷飞的年代,落难王子&英姿少女在阿尔卑斯之巅不期而遇。问题是:他们会选择给机器上油,还是给怪兽喂肉? 第一次世界大战前夜,欧洲列强分为两大阵营全副武装,预备决一生死。德奥同盟国拥有巨舰大炮和钢铁战争机甲,咄咄逼人;英法俄协约国拥有超级生物技术,培育合成生化兽作为武器。利维坦号是一艘巨大的生物飞艇,也是英国舰队中最训练有素的巨兽。 亚历山大•费迪南德,奥匈帝国的王子,目前正在逃亡当中。他的帝国抛弃了他,王子头衔名存实亡。他身边只有一台饱受战火蹂躏的风暴机甲和一小队忠心耿耿的追随者。 德琳•夏普,一介平民,女扮男装混进英国空军服役。她是位了不起的飞行员,但女儿身的秘密随时可能会暴露,被逐出军队。 大战即将来临,阿列克和德琳的命运线以最意想不到的方式交汇——他们都登上了利维坦号,展开神奇的环球冒险。 这场冒险之旅将永远改变他们的命运。