HARRY POTTER and the Prisoner of Azkaban
When Harry and his best friends go back for their third year at Hogwarts, the atmosphere is tense. There's an escaped mass-murderer on the loose and the sinister prison guards of Azkaban have been called in to guard the school. Lessons, however, must go on and there are lots of new subjects in third year - Care of Magical Creatures and Divination among others - to take Harry's mind off things! -
不祥之梦更加坚定了莱德尽快离开的决心,虽然许诺今天要教黛咪学魔法,但是实际上他要教的只是一些基础知识而已,只是为了要让小丫头入门,所以用不了太多的时间。昨晚公主一定跳舞跳到很晚,也许通宵也说不定,所以他便决定送教上门,到黛咪那里去。 从莱德的起居室到公主的书房不是很远,所以没一小会儿就可以看到书房的屋檐…… 秋日的太阳懒懒地挂在空中,阳光一边有气无力地照耀着地上的万物,一边和散漫飘动的云玩着光与影的游戏。突然,一个和这懒散的天空格格不入的黑色身影飞速地掠过,击破了这一片凝滞,这是一头并不多见的魔龙,作为难以应付的魔物,魔龙或许会因一时高兴寻找飞行伴侣,当然,那种飞翔是悠闲而漫无目的的,是一种惬意的享受。但从眼神看来,这头魔龙不高兴,因为它正朝着某个目的地…… -
这是一片神奇的土地,一个魔法统治一切的世界。 这里的天空中有火龙飞翔,水里有人鱼嬉戏,大地上奔驰着马人、异兽。植物中既有可怕的猎食树,也有宜人的啤酒树、面包树、水果树。就连无机物都各有自己趋利避害的法门:石头变成兀立的怪岩为的是不被砸碎成为铺路石子儿;湖水把自己打扮得清凉甘甜,为的是维护自己的生态系统……动物、植物、无机物,相互竞争,又相互依存,形成一个生机蓬勃的世界。 这个世界的统治者是人,拥有魔法的人。 他们的先辈也是普普通通的平凡人,生活在平凡世界中,过着平凡的生活,甚至在迁徙进入这个神奇世界之后,他们的生活也依然是平凡的。但是,渐渐地,他们意识到自己的后代拥有了种种自己难以想像的能力,成了这个神奇世界的一分子,甚至成为这个世界的主人——威力无比的魔法师。 因为这片土地本身便具有魔力。这个世界的名字叫:赞斯。 赞斯没有通常意义上的入口,也没有人知道怎么进入。赞斯人来自平凡世界的各个角落。对于想前往赞斯的人们来说,赞斯仿佛近在服前。可一旦他们迈开脚步。便会发现自己已经身在天涯。 亲爱的读者,据在你手中的是另一条通向赞斯的便捷通道。翻开书页,你便会踏上赞斯的神奇土地。 本书是“使整个奇幻系列小说得到重新定义”的“赞斯”系列小说之一。赞斯是一片被魔法统治的土地,那里每个人都具有独特的魔力,还有马人、巨龙和蛇怪……在“赞斯”系列作品中,作者安东尼使用了大量的双关语和孩童式的幽默,讽刺了人性的种种弱点,增强了小说的趣味性,这后来也成为了安东尼作品的典型特征。阅读安东尼的书籍,如同置身于奠扎特弦乐四重奏的美妙世界;极富想像力的内容,让您爱不释手! -
A Clash of Kings
《冰与火之歌》英国版 George R. R. Martin's superb fantasy epic continues in consummate style as bloodshed and alchemy lay waste the Seven Kingdoms in the second volume of A Song of Ice and Fire. The Iron Throne once united the Sunset Lands, but King Robert is dead, his widow is a traitor to his memory, and his surviving brothers are set on a path of war amongst themselves. At King's Landing, the head of Lord Eddard Stark rots on a spike for all to see. His daughter Sansa is betrothed still to his killer's son Joffrey -- Queen Cersei's son, though not the son of her late husband Robert. Even so, Joffrey is now a boy-king, Cersei is his regent, and war is inevitable. In Dragonstone, Robert's brother Stannis has declared himself king, while his other brother Renly proclaims himself king at Storm's End -- and Eddard Stark's fifteen year old son Robb wears the crown of the north at Winterfell. A comet in the night sky, red and malevolent, the colour of blood and flame, can only be an omen of murder and war. Stannis's child Princess Shireen dreams of dragons waking from stone. And a white raven has brought word from the Citadel itself, foretelling summer's end. It has been the longest summer in living memory, lasting ten years, and the smallfolk say it means an even longer winter to come...The first rule of war is never give the enemy his wish. But winter will be the biggest enemy. From beyond the Wall the undead and Others clamour for freedom, and from beyond the sea the long-dead Dragon King's daughter hatches her revenge. Robb Stark will be exceedingly lucky to reach adulthood. -
A Game of Thrones
First volume of a brilliant new fantasy trilogy: the most powerful, original and absorbing new epic since Stephen Donaldson's Chronicles of Thomas Covenant. The first volume of George R R Martin's glorious high fantasy tells the tragic story of treachery, greed and war that threatens the unity of the Seven Kingdoms south of the Wall. Martin unfolds with astonishing skill a tale of truly epic dimensions, thronged with memorable characters, a story of treachery and ambition, love and magic. Set in a fabulous world scarred by battle and catastrophe over 8000 years of recorded history, it tells of the deeds of men and women locked in the deadliest of conflicts and the terrible legacy they will leave their children. In the game of thrones, you win or you die. And in the bitter-cold, unliving lands beyond the Wall, a terrible winter gathers and the others -- the undead, the neverborn, wildlings to whom the threat of the sword is nothing -- make ready to descend on the realms of men. A Game of Thrones begins the most imaginative, ambitious and compelling fantasy epic since The Lord of the Rings. Thronged with memorable characters, it unfolds with astonishing skill a tale of truly epic dimensions. There have been many pretenders to the throne of Tolkien: now at last he has a true heir. -
为您讲述电影剧情之后的精彩故事 在这个故事里,你可以看到哈尔一家精彩丰富的日常生活。 查曼•贝克知道,为生病的威廉巫师看房子可不是轻松的活儿。她要费力记住屋子迷宫似的结构,要替巫师应付吵吵闹闹的地精灵,要留心附近邪恶的怪物卢博克,要接待他的学徒彼得,还有一大堆衣服和碟子要洗! 在看房子的同时,查曼还抽空去王家图书馆工作。她在那里遇到了巫师哈尔和他的家人,并答应帮助他们寻找失落的王室财宝和传说中的半精灵。一场围绕王位继承权的斗争开始了,而最后的结局谁也不会料到……