The Hobbit
The first ever illustrated paperback of the critically acclaimed and beloved children's classic, featuring 26 colour paintings and over 30 pencil drawings by Alan Lee. -
退魔录:国内篇,ISBN:9787506016544,作者:(韩)李愚赫著;金燕玉译 -
奇幻天后游素光震撼新作,继炫丽经典《天使迷梦》系列之后,超豪华设定巨细靡遗,构筑撼动人心、气势磅礴之全新奇幻世界。斯罗威神纪只留下古老悠远的传说,黑暗的瑟斯凯勒纪在纷乱中结束,星辰笼罩大地,自大贤者为梦特亚纪正名,时光的轮盘已经运转了三千年。 -
一部用想像粉碎定式的奇幻巨著 一次狂笑与流泪的史诗远行 -
与其在这黑暗的地下发霉腐朽,不如让战刀磨出烈火! 我,终将重返阳光之土! 《悟空传》后,今何在极致幻想之作! 若星汉大陆上,生活着神族,人族和魔族。神族虚无缥缈,不见踪影。人族在大地上休养生息,魔族终生生存于深深的地下,不见阳光。千万年来,魔族无时无刻不想着占领广袤的大地,重返阳光之土。于是,三大种族总是处于恒久地冲突之中。 三百年前,最后一任魔王卡奇云德被打败后,若星汉获得短暂的和平。三百年后,人族少年康德,立志成为最伟大的圣骑士,可怕的命运却启示他:他将成为新任的魔王,重掀三百年前的战火……为与宿命抗衡,康德与女魔法师云迪,吟游诗人罗恩等人结伴而行,寻找解脱之法。然而,一切都向命运既定的方向发展,魔王的封印终于被解开。康德的灵魂不得不忍受魔王强大意志的折磨和吞噬! 与此同时,地下的魔族为了生存,开始疯狂地进军;精灵们向树顶的苍天祈祷;飞龙军的百千光芒正划过天空……这片大地上,战争正如火燎地图般延展开来! 康德将如何面对注定的宿命?预言中的结局是否会如约降临?若星汉大陆的未来,将走向何方?苦苦挣扎于轮回之中的诸人,将如何改写未注定的结局?…… 如果神不降予众生他们的怜悯,那么就让他们自己去怜悯自己吧! -
Rise of The Horde
Though the young Warchief Thrall ended the demon curse that had plagued his people for generations, the orcs still wrestle with the sins of their bloody past. As the rampaging Horde , they waged a number of devastating wars against their perennial enemy -- the Alliance. Yet the rage and bloodlust that drove the orcs to destroy everything in their path nearly consumed them as well. Long ago, on the idyllic world of Draenor, the noble orc clans lived in relative peace with their enigmatic neighbors, the draenei. But the nefarious agents of the Burning Legion had other plans for both of the unsuspecting races. The demon-lord Kil'jaeden set in motion a dark chain of events that would succeed not only in eradicating the draenei, but forging the orc clans into an single, unstoppable juggernaut of hatred and destruction.