退魔录世界篇·4 他们说要憎恨所有的人
退魔录世界篇4:他们说要憎恨所有的人,ISBN:9787506020671,作者:(韩)李愚赫 著;金祺滢 译 -
《纽约时报》畅销书,全面改版升级谁是真正的尼可·勒梅?魔法石是如何获得神奇力量的?罗琳女士是否在梦中遭遇了蛇怪、充满迷惑力的七弦琴?还有头上长着小尖角、四脚修长的水怪?如果她没有,那么到底又是谁构思出了这些奇异的生物呢?数百万读者都沉迷于哈利·波特和他的朋友们生活的那个充满魔法、咒语和神奇野兽的奇妙世界里,但并不了解这个世界背后数千年的历史故事、民间传说和神话。现在,有了这本《魔法师的同伴》,那些去了霍格沃兹魔法学校图书馆的人也可以一窥罗琳笔下的那个魔法世界了。 -
《外公的13号古宅》的主要内容是:13岁女孩安妮-玛丽,由于生于13日13时13分13秒,所以人们都叫她丝汀(英语13的发音)。爸爸妈妈先后去世,丝汀将被送进孤儿院。正在这时她接到妈妈死前一年写给她的一封信(好像妈妈早己预料到自己什么时候离世!),信里还夹着一张巨额支票和一张机票。在信里,妈妈叮嘱丝汀去投靠她在这个世界上的最后一位亲人——她从来也没有听说过的、远在异国的外公。丝汀历尽惊险找到外公家,在这栋门牌为13号的古宅里,她发现了一扇神秘的门。她走进去,那是一座由无数走廊和房间组成的城堡,六个孩子被关在里面。从此丝汀变成了两个人,一个在现实世界,一个在梦幻世界。在现实世界里,她被当地13帮莫名其妙地关进收容所;远离古宅;在梦幻世界里,她疯狂地带领六个孩子寻找走出迷宫的道路。这两个世界都很诡异,但最令她惊诧的莫过于外公长生不老的秘密。 -
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter is a wizard. He is in his second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Little does he know that this year will be just as eventful as the last ...The second in the Harry Potter series to be translated into Latin for the first time, this follows in the steps of other great children's classics. The huge task of translating into Latin (most translations are done from Latin) has been undertaken by Peter Needham, who taught Latin at Eton for over 30 years. James Morwood, of Oxford University, has said of the translation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone: 'The translation is great stuff. It is accurate and fluent, but it is much more than that. It has been carried off with wit, inventiveness, sensitivity and panache. I find it impossible to think of its being better done.' -
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban(哈里波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒)
Harry Potter has to sneak back to Hogwarts, after accidentally inflating his horrible Aunt Petunia. But once there everyone is whispering about a prizoner who has escaped from the famous wizard prizon, Azkaban. His name is Sirius Black, and as a follower of Lord Voldemort he is determined to track Harry Potter down -- even if it means laying siege to the very walls of Hogwarts! --This text refers to the Mass Market Paperback edition.