《金元方志考》专为考辨金、元二朝境内行省、路、府、州、县方志而作,收录金、元时期方志(包括存佚)达三百十一种,尤对前人研究、考订金、元方志论著中之讹误多有考辨。不仅如此,书中援引其他史料亦相当广博,于金、元方志研究之推进当有所裨益。 -
——目 录 第一册 [万历]沙河县志 八卷 [崇祯]蔚州志 四卷 第二册 [康熙]平乡县志 六卷 [万历]沁源县志 二卷 第三册 [弘治]太仓州志 十卷 [嘉靖]山阴县志 十二卷(卷1-卷8) 第四册 [嘉靖]山阴县志 十二卷(卷9-卷12) [康熙]常山县志 十五卷 第五册 [康熙]昌化县志 十卷 第六册 [康熙]建宁府志 五十卷(卷1-卷15) 第七册 [康熙]建宁府志 五十卷(卷16-卷25) 第八册 [康熙]建宁府志 五十卷(卷26-卷37) 第九册 [康熙]建宁府志 五十卷(卷38-卷44) 第十册 [康熙]建宁府志 五十卷(卷45-卷50) [永历]宁洋县志 九卷 第十一册 [万历]归化县志 十卷、图、附各一卷 [崇祯]寿宁县志 二卷 第十二册 [崇祯]肇庆府志 五十卷(卷1-卷5) 第十三册 [崇祯]肇庆府志 五十卷(卷6-卷11) 第十四册 [崇祯]肇庆府志 五十卷(卷12-卷20) 第十五册 [崇祯]肇庆府志 五十卷(卷21-卷29) 第十六册 [崇祯]肇庆府志 五十卷(卷30-卷36) 第十七册 [崇祯]肇庆府志 五十卷(卷37-卷42) 第十八册 [崇祯]肇庆府志 五十卷(卷43-卷50) 第十九册 [嘉靖]平凉府志 十三卷(卷1-卷7) 第二十册 [嘉靖]平凉府志 十三卷(卷8-卷13) [万历]通渭县志 存一卷 [光绪]镇番乡土志 二卷 -
《中国地方志精读》对中围传统文化的奇葩——地方志进行了细致的解读,诠释篇、精读篇、书目篇、文献篇,上下牵引,互为补充,力求全方位地呈现这一中国传统文化重要典籍的内蕴与价值;并以社会经济史研究为例,就如何利用地方志进行史学研究与旅游资源开发作了示范性展示。 -
Writing, Publishing, and Reading Local Gazetteers in Imperial China, 1100-1700
This book is the definitive study of imperial Chinese local gazetteers, one of the most important sources for premodern Chinese studies. Methodologically innovative, it represents a major contribution to the history of books, publishing, reading, and society. By examining how gazetteers were read, Joseph R. Dennis illustrates their significance in local societies and national discourses. His analysis of how gazetteers were initiated and produced reconceptualizes the geography of imperial Chinese publishing. Whereas previous studies argued that publishing, and thus cultural and intellectual power, were concentrated in the southeast, Dennis shows that publishing and book ownership were widely dispersed throughout China and books were found even in isolated locales. Adding a dynamic element to our earlier understanding of the publishing industry, Dennis tracks the movements of manuscripts to printers and print labor to production sites. By reconstructing printer business zones, he demonstrates that publishers operated across long distances in trans-regional markets. He also creates the first substantial data set on publishing costs in early modern China—a foundational breakthrough in understanding the world of Chinese books. Dennis’s work reveals areas for future research on newly-identified regional publishing centers and the economics of book production.