本书是作者对精神分析理论进行广泛探讨的一个开端:从侵犯行为和破坏行为开始,因为这是精神分析的一个基本理论问题,并且人类的破坏心理与行为在全球盛行,使之在实际生活中也成为一个很重要的问题。 人类的一切热情(不管是“好的”,还是“坏的”)都是因为他想使生命有意义。要想使他产生变化,就必须让他能够找到一条新的道路,让他能够激发“促进生命的”热情,让他比以前更感觉到生命的活力与人格的完整,让他觉得比从前活得更有意义。这是唯一的道路。否则,你固然可以把他驯服,却永远不能把他治愈。 -
天空變成一片紅色,美國一夕之間毀滅,不祥的預兆終於成真了,未知的獠牙朝日本狠狠刺入。超越人類所有歷史的異文明來襲了!世界慘遭蹂躪殆盡,一切即將化為灰燼。 人類的希望全都寄託在潛伏於世界各地的GANTZ小隊…本集收錄震撼力十足的全景跨頁內彩,讓你親眼目睹從未見過的壯闊場面! -
《地雷震》是一部严肃的漫画,看不到丝毫的搞笑噱头或是Q版人物,也没有大眼睛美少女及热血少年,从里面体现出来的只有两个字:真实。无论是人物还是场景,都让人感觉到这是一个现实的世界(里面的对话甚至有英语、德语及俄语;而一段在中国大陆发生的故事中可以看到上海的“东方明珠”,里面的人喝的也是“青岛啤酒”)。其所描写的对象也都是真实的犯罪,而不是《城市猎人》里那些只能用来做笑料的事件。可能也正因为如此,看过的人似乎不多,从漫画扉页的借书记录看是寥寥无几,在网上也鲜有人讨论。不过,《地雷震》绝对可以算上是名作级别的漫画,如果各位想认识真正的写实漫画,一定不能错过这部名字怪怪的《地雷震》。 -
多重人格探偵サイコ (1) (角川コミックス・エース)
MPD-Psycho, the most-requested manga series in recently memory, has found a fitting home at Dark Horse Manga, where it will be presented uncut and uncensored in all of its controversial and unflinchingly grotesque glory! If Takashi Miike's MPD-Psycho television series still has you confused and reeling, the original manga series that inspired the show is sure to take you on a longer, darker journey into madness. Enjoy the 11-volume MPD-Psycho series for all of its absurd twists, sci-fi touches and inventive torture scenes, but you'll also be mesmerized by the plethora of odd conspiracies and case files found in Otsuka and Tajima's uncontrollable, urban horrorshow. In MPD-Psycho Volume 1, police detective Kobayashi Yousuke's life is changed forever after a serial killer notices something "special" about him. That same killer mutilates Kobayashi's wife and kick-starts a "multiple personality battle" within Kobayashi that pushes him into a complex tempest of interconnected deviants and evil forces. Earning praise for its consistently shocking plotlines and Tajima's clean, arresting art style, MPD-Psycho is the manga event of the decade! -
A Clockwork Orange
在线阅读本书 "Anthony Burgess reads chapters of his novel A Clockwork Orange with hair-raising drive and energy. Although it is a fantasy set in an Orwellian future, this is anything but a bedtime story." -The New York Times Told by the central character, Alex, this brilliant, hilarious, and disturbing novel creates an alarming futuristic vision of violence, high technology, and authoritarianism.Anthony Burgess' 1963 classic stands alongside Orwell's 1984 and Huxley's Brave New World as a classic of twentieth century post-industrial alienation, often shocking us into a thoughtful exploration of the meaning of free will and the conflict between good and evil. In this recording, the author's voice lends an intoxicating lyrical dimension to the language he has so masterfully crafted. "I do not know of any other writer who has done as much with language as Mr. Burgess has done [in A Clockwork Orange]." -William S. Burroughs Recognized as one of the literary geniuses of our time, Anthony Burgess produced thirty-two novels, a volume of verse, sixteen works of nonfiction, and two plays. Originally a composer, his creative output also included countless musical compositions, including symphonies, operas, and jazz. The author's musicality is evident in the lyrical and dramatic reading he gives in this recording. Anthony Burgess died in 1993. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. -
德國title雜誌好評推薦! 德國亞馬遜網路書店4顆星推薦! 自德國引爆,持續發燒於歐洲,帶動法國、希臘、義大利、韓國、波蘭、西班牙等國熱烈討論暴力話題!你厭倦了媒體煽情而無止盡的報導嗎?妳憎惡政客粗魯而無內容的語言嗎?本書告訴你一個事實:暴力不會消失,它只是改變面貌。 我們生活在一個充斥著暴力的世界裡,即便我們的祖先為了躲避暴力加諸在身體的痛苦,於是制定了各式各樣的制度與文化,企圖遏阻暴力的發生與蔓延。然而,這些制度與文化卻又變身成為另外的一種暴力形式──或許是肢體對峙的衝突暴力;或許是警察與軍隊的合法暴力;也或許是語言與媒體的隱形暴力。 在這些林林總總的暴力形式當中,不管我們願意與否,都在自覺與不自覺的狀況下參與其中,成為暴力的合夥人。到底什麼是暴力?暴力的的樣貌又是如何呈現?本書詳述了暴力發生的各種元素與條件,並為我們揭開它不為人知的黑色帷幕。 詳細分析暴力的起源徹底解構與暴力相關的各種元素深度探討文化、道德與暴力三者間的關係