Subtle Is the Lord
"Subtle is the Lord" is widely recognized as the definitive scientific biography of Albert Einstein. The late Abraham Pais was a distinguished physicist turned historian who knew Einstein both professionally and personally in the last years of his life. His biography combines a profound understanding of Einstein's work with personal recollections from their years of acquaintance, illuminating the man through the development of his scientific thought. Pais examines the formulation of Einstein's theories of relativity, his work on Brownian motion, and his response to quantum theory with authority and precision. The profound transformation Einstein's ideas effected on the physics of the turn of the century is here laid out for the serious reader. Pais also fills many gaps in what we know of Einstein's life - his interest in philosophy, his concern with Jewish destiny, and his opinions of great figures from Newton to Freud. This remarkable volume, written by a physicist who mingled in Einstein's scientific circle, forms a timeless and classic biography of the towering figure of twentieth-century science. -
《一路段投奔奇迹:爱因斯坦的生命和他的宇宙》内容简介:艾尔伯特·爱因斯坦,20世纪最伟大的物理学家。现代物理学的开创者和奠基人,创造了世人瞩目的科学奇迹。爱因斯坦也是一位思想家和哲学家,他清楚地懂得什么是成功法则。20世纪末。爱因斯坦被美国《时代周刊》评选为“世纪伟人”。 《一路段投奔奇迹:爱因斯坦的生命和他的宇宙》由《艾尔伯特·爱因斯坦论文集》编辑、《爱因斯坦名言录》作者、美国科普作家爱丽丝·克拉普莱斯,和牛津大学理论物理博士特拉沃·利普斯康姆撰写。作者通过大量参考文献以及详实的书信资料。客观地将爱因斯坦作为一个凡人的生活娓娓道来。同时也刻画了一位拥有超凡魅力和感召力的伟人。《一路段投奔奇迹:爱因斯坦的生命和他的宇宙》以质朴的语言、平实的叙述方式展现了一位世人所熟悉的科学巨匠、和平主义战士的光辉形象。也呈现出爱因斯坦不为世人所熟知的,作为普通丈夫、平凡父亲的一面。 “一个人只有以他全部的力量和精神致力于某一事业时,才能成为一个真正的大师。因此。只有全力以赴才能精通。”正是抱有这样的态度和对科学的执著,爱因斯坦才能取得辉煌的成就。《一路段投奔奇迹:爱因斯坦的生命和他的宇宙》意在将这样的精神传递给广大读者,使其在生活和工作中拥有不弃不舍的信念和追求,并为之奋斗终身。 -
Einstein His Life and Universe
How did Einstein's mind work? What made him a genius? Isaacson's biography shows how his scientific imagination sprang from the rebellious nature of his personality. His fascinating story is a testament to the connection between creativity and freedom. Based on the newly released personal letters of Albert Einstein, Walter Isaacson explores how an imaginative, impertinent patent clerk, a struggling father in a difficult marriage who couldn't get a teaching job or a doctorate, became the mind reader of the creator of the cosmos, the locksmith of the mysteries of the atom and the universe. His success came from questioning conventional wisdom and marveling at mysteries that struck others as mundane. This led him to embrace a morality and politics based on respect for free minds, free spirits, and free individuals. These traits are just as vital for this new century of globalization, in which our success will depend on our creativity, as they were for the beginning of the last century, when Einstein helped usher in the modern age. -
阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦是无可争辩的天才,他的数学洞察力革新了宇宙学。他与其他物理学巨人——哥白尼、伽利略、牛顿——并驾齐驱,但是比他们任何一个人更重要,他是即刻可认出的。爱因斯坦是流行的图腾、科学的玛丽琳·梦露。这是怎样发生的呢?当爱因斯坦的思想依然停留在少数专家的深奥领地时,什么东西都能够使他变成全世界的偶像呢?答案在于一种文化现象——大科学的诞生。 20世纪目睹了科学和技术的空前进展。但是,对知识的追求把科学家带入远离日常经验的领域,只有用昂贵的实验设备才能达到这个领域。科学研究是最远所及范围就是大科学的领域。这本小书不仅简单地介绍了爱因斯坦的关键观念,而且对大科学 和大众文化之间的社会学冲突提供了迷人的洞察,这些冲突在今天像它们在爱因斯坦时代一样真实。 -
爱因斯坦与毕加索,是人们耳熟能详的两个名字。作为20世纪最伟大的科学家和最伟大的艺术家,他们有着无数的崇拜者。然而,他们两人之间在精神和成就上的共通之处,一直以来却很少为人注意。本书是一本关于他们两人的平行传记,其重点集中在20世纪初这一激动人心的年代里他们作为年轻人所取得的一生最伟大的成就上——爱因斯坦的狭义相对论和毕加索的《亚威农少女》。本书揭示出了一条把20世纪两个最具原创性的心灵统一在一起的纽带。爱因斯坦和毕加索恰逢其时地成熟在历史的那一刻,当时人们初次意识到理解空间和时间的那种经典的、直觉的方式显然不恰当。他们各自以自己的方式——爱因斯坦以相对论,毕加索以立体主义——来表征空间和时间,在互不相同的领域中作出了20世纪影响最为深远的贡献。 -