1984 (Biblioteca Juvenil) (Spanish Edition)
Novel by George Orwell, published in 1949 as a warning about the menaces of totalitarianism. The novel is set in an imaginary future world that is dominated by three perpetually warring totalitarian police states -
The Road to Wigan Pier
In the 1930s Orwell was sent by a socialist book club to investigate the appalling mass unemployment in the industrial north of England. He went beyond his assignment to investigate the employed as well-”to see the most typical section of the English working class.” Foreword by Victor Gollancz. -
The Orwell Diaries
George Orwell was an inveterate keeper of diaries. "The Orwell Diaries" presents eleven of them, covering the period 1931-1949, and follows Orwell from his early years as a writer to his last literary notebook. An entry from 1931 tells of a communal shave in the Trafalgar Square fountains, while notes from his travels through industrial England show the development of the impassioned social commentator. This same acute power of observation is evident in his diaries from Morocco, as well as at home, where his domestic diaries chart the progress of his garden and animals with a keen eye; the wartime diaries, from descriptions of events overseas to the daily violence closer to home, describe astutely his perspective on the politics of both, and provide a new and entirely refreshing insight into Orwell's character and his great works. -
The Road to Wigan Pier
A searing account of George Orwell's observations of working-class life in the bleak industrial heartlands of Yorkshire and Lancashire in the 1930s, "The Road to Wigan Pier" is a brilliant and bitter polemic that has lost none of its political impact over time. His graphically unforgettable descriptions of social injustice, cramped slum housing, dangerous mining conditions, squalor, hunger and growing unemployment are written with unblinking honesty, fury and great humanity. It crystallized the ideas that would be found in Orwell's later works and novels, and remains a powerful portrait of poverty, injustice and class divisions in Britain. -
聪明的猪只拿破仑,以崇高的理想为号召, 推翻了人类主子,所有动物深以为从此可以自己做主, 不再有蹂躏压榨、弱肉强食、勾心斗角。 不料,初尝权利滋味的拿破仑开始整肃异己,赶尽杀绝,一心巩固领导地位,维护尊荣享受。 能言善道的尖叫者帮着拿破仑粉饰太平, 勤恳老实的拳击手不疑有他,只知牺牲奉献,甚至赔上性命在所不惜。 在雪球与拿破仑身上,你将看到一个国家、社会乃至企业组织,如何上演赤裸龌龊的权利争夺战。 在尖叫者身上,你将看到狗腿大王如何攀龙附凤。 而在拳击手身上,你将看到自己的一切努力如何的枉然与徒劳! 当今稳坐经典地位的《动物农庄》,出版当时却再三遭到退稿。 在维权人士与主流媒体滴水不漏的操作下,一代文豪欧威尔无视于舆论压力, 大无畏地戳破人们昧于「对国家忠诚」、「对权威迫害视若无睹」的重重精巧谎言, 为滔滔混世敲响一记警钟———— 觉悟吧!别再让你我自甘沦为权力游戏底下的一颗棋子,别再随波逐流! -
Written in 1948, 1984 was George Orwell's chilling prophecy about the future. And while 1984 has come and gone, Orwell's narrative is more timely that ever. 1984 presents a "negative utopia, " that is at once a startling and haunting vision of the world -- so powerful that it is completely convincing from start to finish. No one can deny the power of this novel, its hold on the imaginations of entire generations of readers, or the resiliency of its admonitions -- a legacy that seems to grow, not lessen, with the passage of time.