1.2004年台灣數位時代雜誌評選百大創意人之一,最新力作! 2.內文有精美文案商品圖案及圖片,精美編排產生獨具的時尚感。 3.《誠品副作》、《繼續字戀》相繼登上1998、1999年度文學暢銷書後,廣告暢銷書缺書多年再次驚喜上市! 4.聯合推薦:知名文化評論人南方朔 百帝廣告公司執行創意總監葉旻振 聯廣公司執行創意總監張怡琪 這是李欣頻繼《誠品副作用》、《繼續字戀》暢銷書多年後,最新廣告文案的精華力作! 雖是一本廣案文案書,但李欣頻式的獨特文字安排,讓人闖進他的文字迷宮裡,久久不願尋找出口般的沉溺,讓人分不清是廣告文案,還是短篇愛情小說。 精心創造的廣告比粗製濫造的文學高尚,有良知的廣告人比沒良知的作家道德。我不是央行總裁,無法干預台幣貶值,但是身為文字工作者,卻樂見有人挺身挽救文學貶值的危機。一本好書就像強勢貨幣能讓心靈富有,因為惜墨如金,所以字字珠璣。羅蘭巴特說:「閱讀上的爽和做愛一樣」,閱讀李欣頻文案,就是讓人非常容易引起副作用,精神上爽快兩次。 -------百帝廣告公司執行創意總監 葉旻振本書詳實紀錄書店、書、人的情感交叉描述,共分【舊書˙舊貨˙舊感情】、【喜新˙念舊˙移館別戀】、【書店˙誕生˙創世紀】、【人˙書˙書展】、【閱讀者˙群像˙集體利益】、【政治˙眾人˙復活紀】、【事件˙儀式˙人與人的對待】、【節慶˙禮遇˙狂歡的名目】、【城市˙時尚˙戀物癖】等九大主題。 -
平面廣告是最古老、強韌的廣告媒介,但新世紀已不再適用過時之創意規範。此書為開啟新銳創意寶庫之鑰。針對創意人心中最大的疑問:尋求自我風格、發廣告謊言、尋找創意點子、畫面如何安排、如何寫出好文案、全球化創意從何發想等,本書以 260多個作品一一作出精闢解答。更難能可貴的是,這些答案是彙集了超過 140 位當代赫赫有名的廣告界師父智慧之大成。並記述這些大師耐人尋味的廣告生涯,盼廣告創意人員,得藉此重新發現自我對廣告的熱情。 -
Whatever You Think, Think the Opposite
Book Description Filled with fun anecdotes, quirky photos, and off-the-wall business advice, the provocative sequel to "It's Not How Good You Are, It's How good You Want to Be" reveals the surprising power of bad decisions. From Publishers Weekly Referring to his first book, It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want to Be, Arden describes himself as "author of world's bestselling book," ably demonstrating one nugget of wisdom to be found in his latest: "Great people have great egos; maybe that's what makes them great." Otherwise, the book suggests that Arden is less a great person (or a great author) than a great former creative director at advertising powerhouse Saatchi and Saatchi. In the restrictive, often repetitive genre of management by aphorism, Arden is an original: master of the snappy maxim and eye-catching graphic, Arden advocates unconventional thinking, skipping college, taking risks, being outrageous and failing dramatically. Missing is a page in this book emblazoned "Take my advice with a grain of salt," or "Triumph for an advertising copywriter may be disaster for an accountant." Nevertheless, Mr. Arden's books are a pleasure to peruse. His writing is spare, clever, brisk and pointed. Illustrations are clean and witty. Think you whatever, this book is a natty little addition to the business bookshelf. Book Dimension length: (cm)17.5 width:(cm)10.9 -
It's Not How Good You Are, Its How Good You Want to Be
It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want to Be is a handbook of how to succeed in the world - a pocket 'bible' for the talented and timid to make the unthinkable thinkable and the impossible possible. The world's top advertising guru, Paul Arden, offers up his wisdom on issues as diverse as problem solving, responding to a brief, communicating, playing your cards right, making mistakes and creativity, all notions that can be applied to aspects of modern life. This book provides a unique insight into the world of advertising and is a quirky compilation of quotes, facts, pictures, wit and wisdom, packed into easy-to-digest, bite-sized spreads. If you want to succeed in life or business, this is a must! Paul Arden began his career in advertising at the age of 16. For 14 years he was Executive Creative Director at Saatchi and Saatchi, where he was responsible for some of Britain's best known campaigns including British Airways, Silk Cut, Anchor Butter, InterCity and Fuji. His famous slogans include 'The Car in front is a Toyota' and 'The Independent - It is - Are You?'. In 1993 he set up the London-based production company Arden Sutherland-Dodd where he is now a commercials director for clients such as BT, BMW, Ford, Nestle and Levis.