What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20

Tina Seelig


英文原版 成长 励志 思维 思考方法 creativity innovation 创业



《真希望我20几岁就知道的事》讲述蒂娜教授17岁的儿子即将进入大学,她意识到自己没能教给儿子足够的知识和技巧融入这个社会,取得成功,所以她回忆了自己20岁时想了解的事情——那些可以避免弯路和失败的宝贵经验。她从念神经科学的学生,到管理咨询行业的先锋,到斯坦福管理风险投资和创业项目的主管,职业经历丰富,有非常多可以分享和教授的精彩内容。 她写出了自己半生的职业实践和开战励志课程积累的经验,列出清单,举出大量的“创造性思维”的实例,给了自己的孩子一堂含金量最高的课:创意决定人生,突破规则,才能在千万人中脱颖而出!现在她举出为斯坦福大学、西点军校的学生讲解这门课程,帮助他们更顺利开展职场之路,掘得人生第一桶金。 真希望我20几岁就知道的事(What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20) Major life transitions such as leaving the protected environment of school or starting a new career can be daunting. It is scary to face a wall of choices, knowing that no one is going to tell us whether or not we are making the right decision. There is no clearly delineated path or recipe for success. Even figuring out how and where to start can be a challenge. That is, until now. As executive director of the Stanford Technology Ventures Program, Tina Seelig guides her students as they make the difficult transition from the academic environment to the professional world, providing tangible skills and insights that will last a lifetime. Seelig is an entrepreneur, neuroscientist, and popular teacher, and in What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20 she shares with us what she offers her students—provocative stories, inspiring advice, and a big dose of humility and humor. These pages are filled with fascinating examples, from the classroom to the boardroom, of individuals defying expectations, challenging assumptions, and achieving amazing success. Seelig throws out the old rules and provides a new model for reaching our highest potential. We discover how to have a healthy disregard for the impossible, how to recover from failure, and how most problems are remarkable opportunities in disguise. What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20 is a much-needed book for everyone looking to make their mark on the world.


