我便便.我写作.我冲水!-阿莫斯的便便日记-1,ISBN:9787535885371,作者:符杨惠媚 -
教育,犹如一盏明灯,引领人类自远古洪荒中走来,而今,人类已伫立在成熟期的门槛前。在这风起云涌、动荡不安的社会转型时代,什么样的教育能引导人类走出异化困境,迈向成熟? 一百多年前,巴哈欧拉的天启惠赐人间,祂为人类留下了一座取之不尽、用之不竭的智慧宝藏。本书即从浩若烟海的巴哈伊圣作与文献中,采撷了一百五十三则教育箴言,汇为一册。读者可在字里行间,畅饮源源不绝的智慧清泉…… -
Why Teach?
Mark Edmundson's essays reclaim college not as the province of high-priced tuition, career training, and interactive online courses, but as the place where serious people go to broaden their minds and learn to live the rest of their lives. A renowned professor of English at the University of Virginia, Edmundson has felt firsthand the pressure on colleges to churn out a productive, high-caliber workforce for the future. Yet in these essays, many of which have run in places such as Harper's and the New York Times, he reminds us that there is more to education than greater productivity. With prose exacting yet expansive, tough-minded yet optimistic, Edmundson argues forcefully that the liberal arts are more important today than ever. Why Teach? offers Edmundson's collected writings on the subject, including several pieces that are new and previously unpublished. What they show, collectively, is that higher learning is not some staid, old notion but a necessary remedy for our troubled times. Why Teach? is brimming with the wisdom and inspiration that make learning possible. -
Teaching What You Don't Know
Your graduate work was on bacterial evolution, but now you're lecturing to 200 freshmen on primate social life. You've taught Kant for twenty years, but now you're team-teaching a new course on "Ethics and the Internet". The personality theorist retired and wasn't replaced, so now you, the neuroscientist, have to teach the Sexual Identity course. Everyone in academia knows it and no one likes to admit it: faculty often have to teach courses in areas they don't know very well. The challenges are even greater when students don't share your cultural background, lifestyle, or assumptions about how to behave in a classroom. In this practical and funny book, an experienced teaching consultant offers many creative strategies for dealing with typical problems. How can you prepare most efficiently for a new course in a new area? How do you look credible? And what do you do when you don't have a clue how to answer a question? Encouraging faculty to think of themselves as learners rather than as experts, Therese Huston points out that authority in the classroom doesn't come only, or even mostly, from perfect knowledge. She offers tips for introducing new topics in a lively style, for gauging students' understanding, for reaching unresponsive students, for maintaining discussions when they seem to stop dead, and - yes - for dealing with those impossible questions. Original, useful, and hopeful, this book reminds you that teaching what you don't know, to students whom you may not understand, is not just a job. It's an adventure. -
《哈佛肯尼迪政府学院的精英课》内容简介:哈佛商学院的培养模式自改革开放30年来一直风靡我国,出版的相关书籍众多,而哈佛肯尼迪政府学院的人才培养模式却在中国无人知晓,也没有一本这样权威性的专著介绍,《哈佛肯尼迪政府学院的精英课》非常及时地填补了在塑造公共管理方面人才的空白。本书从哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院的建立谈起,追踪其发展和变革历程,系统地梳理学院教学的独到之处。同时,还详尽细致地分析了哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院的国际化师资力量、国际化生源构成等参与主体,以及课程设置、案例教学、活动会议、毕业走向、中国官员的培训等,试图生动而全面地为读者展示哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院的形象。 以上述内容为起点,《哈佛肯尼迪政府学院的精英课》对培养公共管理精英的国际经验进行比较,并在此基础上总结了哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院的培训模式,为我国的公共管理学科建设发展、为广大有志从事公务员工作和公共管理的精英人才提供可参考的国际最前沿的公管人才培养的经验和做法,同时也为出国留学生提供了非常有价值的参考。 -
用五感學習: 那一年, 我到學校學種菜
再徬徨的心靈也能在田畦裡的五感學習中找到勇氣和方向 日本Amazon讀者一致五顆星推薦 認真面對、穩健成長,每天進步一點點, 有一天會發現自己信心滿滿…… 從這所學校的菜田裡培養出的學生會讓人相信這個道理。 瀧井種苗是日本最大、全球排名第四名的種苗公司,其附設的園藝專門學校位於日本滋賀縣,是一所專收十八歲~二十四歲學生的農業學校,近年來成為日本父母努力想送孩子去就讀的學校,甚至許多頂著高分成績的學生寧願捨棄進入頂尖大學與企業的機會也要選擇念這所學校。因為,來這裡就讀的學生在短短的一、兩年內,一定能以超乎常人三倍的速度成長、蛻變。 學生在這裡學習什麼?又學到什麼? 本書作者川上康介在一次的採訪體驗中和這所學校的學生接觸,過程中令他訝異的是「一個二十歲的年輕人,竟然說出唯有累積豐富人生經驗的成人才會說的話」,作者說自己從沒遇過二十歲年輕人有這種氣質的,更特別的是,在這所學校的每一位學生都是這樣的氣質。基於這個原因,作者決定深入探究。他花了一年的時間,在這所已經被譽為「日本農業界東大」的學校深入參與各項活動、課程,與學生一同生活、一同耕作、一同歡笑,然後將當中的點點滴滴如實描寫出來。 ●穿長筒膠鞋衝刺跑步、磨破腳是必修課程。 ●不在意手弄髒,才會讓種苗想活下去。 ●堆田壟整地的「夏之陣」,必須靠意志力才能撐下去。 ●認真看待植物研究的每一步程序,會學到做人處事的道理。 ●「獵兔」是一年一度的大事,體現的是積極向前的進取力。 夾雜著歡笑、淚水、願望和目標,本書記錄的是汗水、是青春,也是年輕人為目標而努力的過程。熬過難受的腰痠背痛、隨時會讓人中暑昏倒的熾陽,以及令人完全無法思考的疲累,對人生再徬徨的人也能在田壟裡的五感學習中找到勇往邁進的魄力和智慧。 ◎這所學校、這片田地作育出無數英才。 就連年屆不惑的我,也獲得了成長。 如果我今年只有十八歲,一定會毫不遲疑地選擇這所學校。…… 「白蘿蔔以它自己的生命歷程,讓我看到了何謂生物、何謂個性。在我即將邁入不惑之年時,白蘿蔔教導我重要的人生真理。我愈做愈起勁,不論是長的、短的、粗的、細的,每一根白蘿蔔我都愛不釋手。我絲毫不在意從未停過的雨,因為採收早已變成一件有趣的事情。勞動身體的疲累感,遠不及於拔出一根根成熟的白蘿蔔,確認它們生長狀況的喜悅來得真實。」 --川上康介