
Jorge Luis Borges




New Directions

Take a new look at Labyrinths , the classic by Latin America's finest writer of the twentieth century—a true literary sensation—with cyber-author William Gibson. The groundbreaking trans-genre work of Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986) has been insinuating itself into the structure, stance, and very breath of world literature for well over half a century. Multi-layered, self-referential, elusive, and allusive writing is now frequently labeled Borgesian. Umberto Eco's international bestseller, The Name of the Rose , is, on one level, an elaborate improvisation on Borges' fiction "The Library," which American readers first encountered in the original 1962 New Directions publication of Labyrinths . This new edition of Labyrinths , the classic representative selection of Borges' writing edited by Donald A. Yates and James E. Irby (in translations by themselves and others), includes the text of the original edition (as augmented in 1964) as well as Irby's biographical and critical essay, a poignant tribute by André Maurois, and a chronology of the author's life. Borges enthusiast William Gibson has contributed a new introduction bringing Borges' influence and importance into the twenty-first century.



  • 生无可恋的奶油炸糕的评论
    最近跟我妈看[大厨下乡记(Pitchin'In)],喜欢上Lynn Crawford。搜到一篇讲她手掌上的纹身的文章,感觉她好酷哦。之前都没注意到,纹的是 labyrinths,迷宫one way in and one way out的隐喻真的超赞。采访和文章本身都挺不错,作者还说Lynn是个real sweetheart,哈哈~#存档#网页链接
  • AlvisMoon的评论
    Destiny is not a fool, for nothing to acquaint people will not ... [c] Max Frei "Labyrinths of Echo"
  • 骑宴的评论
    wonderful~~~~【OSU】Ceui - Labyrinths (+hr) UP主:XD醬 视频
  • 柯曼尼琦的评论
    a. " It was the ancient Mesopotamians. They pulled out animal intestines — sometimes human intestines, I expect — and used the shape to predict the future. They admired the complex shape of intestines. So the prototype for labyrinths is, in a word, guts. "
  • 罗希FreeStrike的评论
    我上传了:【视频:Hong Kong Labyrinths】视频(来 @优酷网 看我更多精彩视频:网页链接)
  • 南通牙医黑雪的评论
    Desires,memories,fears,passions form labyrinths in which we lose and find and then lose ourselves again... That is life... 我在:城山路
  • Poland_Spring的评论
    贴篇博尔赫斯的巴别图书馆吧,为傍晚的讲座预热。#Lost in a Good Book: the Inescapable Labyrinths of Borges' Library of Babel#
  • JauneBriljant的评论
    Haus des Fauns, Haus des Labyrinths, Mysterienvilla我有三天时间看完这些房子的房屋结构布局建筑工艺及材料,pdf是德文的,可是尼马平面图全是希腊语! 再外加一个三十页左右的pdf,又是一堆房屋建筑结构,这回是英文的.....orz 当兴趣枯竭的时候iu,就剩下两个脑半球了....[奥特曼]
  • Miss莓子的评论
    #人海战#Jorge Luis Borges - Labyrinths, 1962 ,这架势也够唱GET LUCKY了
  • 夏豸语冰的评论
    分享 Runestone 的歌曲《Leylines & Labyrinths》 音乐 (分享自 @虾米音乐)