
Jane Austen




Penguin Books Ltd

At twenty-seven, Anne Elliot is no longer young and has few romantic prospects. Eight years earlier, she had been persuaded by her friend Lady Russell to break off her engagement to Frederick Wentworth, a handsome naval captain with neither fortune nor rank. What happens when they encounter each other again is movingly told in Jane Austen's last completed novel. Set in the fashionable societies of Lyme Regis and Bath, "Persuasion" is a brilliant satire of vanity and pretension, but, above all, it is a love story tinged with the heartache of missed opportunities.



  • FrankensteinZL的评论
    What we need is a persuasion, what you give is retaliation.
  • SoNg_UHPFRC的评论
    No superstition,persuasion or comparison with anyone,find some to believe&persevere in, pour ur life into what you truly loved or can't gived up, make yourself feel fearless before the inscrutable death of life,untill last page in this world. 秒拍视频
  • itmrhdiskt的评论
    research project,看到了一些propaganda和marketing是如何利用人的潜意识的东西。这不就是advert讽刺的东西?Food processors are great! I'm here for rapid persuasion. 重点是当年金牙也喜欢用这些手段...什么戏剧恐吓?啊忘了。反正我要拜一发糊团/金牙,真的好懂modern life.
  • 红豆大摩提的评论
    终于,在各种间隙读完了Persuasion,比Northanger Abbey 好很多,觉得Anne好美。奥斯汀真是个浪漫派。[赞]
  • 害羞水果Orange的评论
    彩彩这首好听啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 吃安利!!!!! 分享了内田彩的单曲《月夜のPersuasion way》 月夜のPersuas... (来自@网易云音乐)
  • LcLblureisPonsot的评论
    Eating Persuasion. 联系紧密开辟了一条恶心的分岔
  • 真知棒_的评论
    #二十三页第四行#gentleman resident at Monkford since the time of old Governor Trent. 我的 Persuasion 啊,第一章都没看完[傻眼] @风雪夜归人ren 没有二缺那么学霸[doge] 郑州·郑州龙之湖大学...
  • 胡瓜鱼的评论
    美丽的文章 美丽的书#Jane Austen PERSUASION 上海·南桥
  • 靠谱好兄弟的评论
    #靠谱说影# 劝导 Persuasion1995.年前因为家里的反对而退婚,因为父亲债台高筑,不得不把房子租出去,却沒想到房客居然是她前未婚夫温特伍的姐姐和姊夫,还遇到已经升为上校的温特伍回乡探亲,安究竟该如何自处呢?【夏末秋】Persu...
  • 捞片的评论
    #黑色喜剧# #犯罪# 【美丽坏姐妹 Pretty Persuasion (2005)】美丽坏姐妹 15岁的女孩金伯莉集美貌与智慧于一身,生活在一个冷漠的世界里。学校里也是充满了尔虞我诈,金伯莉终于忍无可忍,于是,一场复仇交响曲在她的指挥下奏响了。在线:【犯罪/黑色/青春】...