
Chuck Palahniuk


ChuckPalahniuk 外国文学 Palahniuk


Doubleday Canada

The provocative and mind-bending new novel from the bestselling author of Fight Club and Haunted. Rant takes the form of a (fictional) oral history of Buster “Rant” Casey, in which an assortment of friends, enemies, admirers, detractors, and relations have their say on this evil character, who may or may not be the most efficient serial killer of our time. Buster Casey was every small kid born in a small town, searching for real thrills in a world of video games and action/adventure movies. The high school rebel who always wins – and a childhood murderer? – Rant Casey escapes from his hometown of Middleton into the big city and becomes the leader of an urban demolition derby called Party Crashing, where, on designated nights, the participants recognize each other by dressing their cars with tin-can tails, “Just Married” toothpaste graffiti, and other refuse, then look for special markings in order to stalk and crash into each other. It’s in this violent, late-night hunting game that Casey makes three friends. And after his spectacular death, these friends gather the testimony needed to build an oral history of his short life. Their collected anecdotes explore the charges that his saliva infected hundreds and caused a silent, urban plague of rabies . . . Expect hilarity and horror, and blazing insight into the desperate and surreal contemporary human condition as only Chuck Palahniuk can deliver it. He’s the postmillennial Jonathan Swift, the man to watch to learn what’s – uh-oh – coming next. Excerpt from RANT: Wallace Boyer (Car Salesman): Like most people, I didn’t meet and talk to Rant Casey until after he was dead. That’s how it works for most celebrities, after they croak their circle of close friends just explodes. A dead celebrity can’t walk down the street without meeting a million best buddies they never met in real life. Dying was the best career move Jeff Dahmer and John Wayne Gacy ever made. . . . The way Rant Casey used to say it: Folks build a reputation by attacking you while you’re alive–or praising you after you ain’t.



  • aDa爱梦想的评论
    Ranveer Singh Shuts His Break Rumours, KRK Goes On Another Rant
  • 神魔井-若相惜Tao的评论
    特别怀念的照片,@神魔井-欧少Rant 穿着黑色的衣服,走在黑夜里。
  • 通信业信安资讯的评论
    ​Make your cloud safer: How you can use two-factor authentication to protect cloud services 网页链接 LOS ANGELES - Ben Affleck stands by expletive-filled 'Deflategate' rant 网页链接
  • 老爹他山姆的评论
    again,我觉得最nice的博主是kate和aurore[喵喵]不过这二位性格也比较开朗,水生动物学家可能比较内向[doge],sammy当然很可爱【personal rant,一个没睡醒的博主的个人牢骚】
  • NamelessOne的评论
    我又来rant跟室友的账了[笑cry] 一大早被室友堵在厨房谈话,问我帐的事情 “xx那笔买菜是怎么回事?……哦哦,那好吧,我就是怕你记了两次”)i was like WTF??两笔时间和金额都不一样,你怕我是记重了?一起买菜记账本来就建立在默契的基础上,我已经第三次说了如果要分开买我也没问题啊!(c
  • Gigihadid_Fansclub的评论
    #KendallJenner##GigiHadid# Kendall rant on her app about people constantly tearing down her and Gigi.
  • 栗岛千寻的评论
    我不rant了因为在我心里还是我凯最可爱[拜拜]为了买可乐卖冲浪板难道不可爱吗[拜拜]前天去他家拿东西迷路了站在他邻居家门口站了半个小时因为找不到路 结果邻居回来了我吓的屁滚尿流赶紧跑 哦好的吧就是这么蠢 然后刚才打字打到一半一个呆才和我视频还不让我截图[拜拜]哦 就截 怎样 再见我去写作业了
  • 毁梦少女亡心or海的评论
    J'ai été trop faible, préférant garder toutes les erreurs sont enterrées
  • 厦门神魔井的评论
    貌似团里都看完魔兽了,不知道有没有人注意到电影前面部分里一只打酱油的小鱼人[doge],于是今天就出现了这样的对话…下面来介绍咱们的灵魂画师@神魔井-RaidumJL orz orz orz 来来来来围观@神魔井-萨妃螺丝 @神魔井-欧少Rant
  • 神魔井-熊小熊Vera的评论
    济州岛地图成就达成 (图三亮点 图八抖动模式的玄子姐[眼泪]@神魔井-清宸 @神魔井-Tarro逆天 @神魔井-筱摇 @神魔井-小玄子 @神魔井-小神 @神魔井-欧少Rant 韩国