
Milan Kundera


MilanKundera Kundera


Harper Perennial

Two tales of seduction, separated by more than two hundred years, interweave and oscillate between the sublime and the comic in this, Milan Kundera's lightest novel. In the 18th century, the marvelous Madame de T. summons a young nobleman to her chamber and gives him an unforgettable lesson in the art of seduction and the pleasures of love. In the same chat at the end of the 20th century, a hapless intellectual experiences a rather less successful night. Distracted by his desire to be the center of attention at a convention of entomologists, Vincent misses the opportunity to be with a beautiful stranger and suffers the ridicule of his peers. A "morning-after" encounter between the two men brings the novel to a poignant close and provides a unique insight into the different mind-sets of the two centuries. As Vincent prepares to speed off on his motorcycle, he has already obliterated the memory of his humiliation. The young nobleman, on the other hand, relives the delicious pleasures of the night as he lies back on the cushions of his carriage. Ruminating on how the pleasures of slowness have disappeared in today's fast-paced, future-shocked world, Kundera explores the secret bond between slowness and memory and the connection between our era's desire to forget and the way we have given ourselves over to the demon of speed. As provocative as it is entertaining, "Slowness" is Kundera in top form.



  • itselle的评论
    Quietness and slowness are my nature. Don't you see I'm running at full speed for you?
  • 漾兒_欲見不知哪日再的评论
  • 艾盛博的评论
    In Praise of Slowness: Challenging the Cult of Speed 网页链接
  • 亚历山-胡-大王的评论
    2016 Thesis Midterm Review: Utopia Skyscraper. Beijing: Flux City: negotiating speed through slowness.
  • 冬日昕炜的评论
    看来我对音乐的slowness 已经在我们学校音乐系广为人知了 明天有时间就来练琴吧[大哭]
  • 镭镭波妞好的评论
    I got angry about her daddy's laziness and slowness, Ponyo exerts her mediator's influence, powerfully and logically analyzed our problems and solved it effectively! 沈阳·太原街
  • 巴勒莫的棕榈树的评论
    All good stories are slow stories, in the best hands, slowness can feel the exact speed necessary for truthfulness.
  • 傻里傻气哩的评论
    把一天里要做的事情都完成了,心里果真踏实好多~早晚各去健身房一次,还睡了一个长长的午觉,晚上听到TED上的in praise of slowness,发现把生活节奏放慢,脚步就不会乱了,不必要的焦虑也会减少很多[太阳][太阳]
  • 我不污的评论
    #遇见最好的徐海乔# #徐海乔墨客行# Slowness is the key of happiness[玫瑰][玫瑰][玫瑰][玫瑰] 你往哪走,我往哪去,无论你过得好或不好我都会担心,担心你能否更好@徐海乔 我在远处不离不弃
  • Mechanicon的评论
    艺妓回忆录 又到了深井冰发录音时间,今次cover的上次演唱会里被Kay妈翻牌子的《艺妓回忆录》,收录在个人私藏的专辑Slowness里。。。 表面上是讲geisha美人迟暮,但实际上是讲大家不懂得欣赏(大雾)[doge] 不过想想自己作为老员工在公司的处境觉得也是与我心有戚戚焉[泪]