


操作系统 计算机 OS 操作系统概念 计算机科学 教材 恐龙书 英文原版



PART ONE OVERVIEW Chapter I Introduction 1.1 What Operating Systems Do 1.2 Computer-System Organization 1.3 Comvuter-Svstem Architecture 1.4 Operating-System Structure 1.5 Operating-System Operations 1.6 Process Management 1.7 Memory Management 1.8 Storage Management 1.9 Protection and Security 1.10 Distributed Systems 1.11 Special-Purpose Systems 1.12 Computing Environments 1.13 Summary Exercises Bibliographical Notes Chapter 2 Operating-System Structures 2.1 Operating-System Services 2.2 User Operating-System Interface 2.3 System Calls 2.4 Types of System Calls 2.5 System Programs 2.6 Operating-System Design and Implementation 2.7 Operating-System Structure 2.8 Virtual Machines 2.9 Operating-System Generation 2.10 System Boot 2.11 Summary Exercises Bibliographical Notes PART TWO PROCESS MANAGEMENT Chapter 3 Processes 3.1 Process Concept 3.2 Process Scheduling 3.3 Operations on Processes 3.4 Interprocess Communication 3.5 Examples of IPC Systems 3.6 Communication in Client- Server Svstems 3.7 Summary Exercises Bibliographical Notes Chapter 4 Threads 4.1 Overview 4.2 Multithreading Models 4.3 Thread Libraries 4.4 Threading Issues 4.5 Operating-System Examples 4.6 Summary Exercises Bibliographical Notes Chapter 5 CPU Scheduling 5.1 Basic Concepts 5.2 Scheduling Criteria 5.3 Scheduling Algorithms 5.4 Multiple-Processor Scheduling 5.5 Thread Scheduling 5.6 Operating System Examples 5.7 Algorithm Evaluation 5.8 Summary Exercises Bibliographical Notes Chapter 6 Process Synchronization 6.1 Background 6.2 The Critical-Section Problem 6.3 Peterson's Solution 6.4 Synchronization Hardware 6.5 Semaphores 6.6 Classic Problems of Synchronization 6.7 Monitors 6.8 Synchronization Examples 6.9 Atomic Transactions 6.10 Summary Exercises Bibliographical Notes Chapter 7 Deadlocks 7.1 System Model 7.2 Deadlock Characterization 7.3 Methods for Handling Deadlocks 7.4 Deadlock Prevention 7.5 Deadlock Avoidance 7.6 Deadlock Detection 7.7 Recovery From Deadlock 7.8 Summary Exercises Bibliographical Notes PART THREE MEMORY MANAGEMENT Chapter 8 Main Memory Chapter 9 Virtual Memory PART FOUR STORAGE MANAGEMENT Chapter 10 File-System Interface Chapter 11 File-System Implementation Chapter 12 Mass-Storage Structure Chapter 13 I/O Systems PART FIVE PROTECTION AND SECURITY Chapter 14 Protection Chapter 15 Security PART SIX DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS Chapter 16 Distributed System Structures Chapter 17 Distributed File Systems Chapter 18. Distributed Coordination PART SEVEN SPECIAL-PURPOSE SYSTEMS Chapter 19 Real-Time Systems Chapter 20 Multimedia Systems PART EIGHT CASE STUDIES Chapter 21 The Linux System Chapter 22 Windows XP Chapter 23 Influential Operating Systems Appendix A UNIX BSD (contents online) Appendix B The Mach System (contents online) Appendix C Windows 2000 (contents online)
操作系统概念(第7版 影印版),ISBN:9787040209280,作者:(美)西尔伯查茨 高尔文 加根



  • 黄斌-huangbin的评论
    分享decaywood的文章「Linux下的五种IO模型」概念说明 用户空间与内核空间 现在操作系统都是采用虚拟存储器,那么对32位操作系统而言,它的寻址空间(虚拟存储空间)为4G(2的32次方)。操作系统的... | decaywood's Blog 网页链接
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    #飞亚达携手阿里# 7 月6 日,飞亚达在杭州发布了品牌首个轻智能腕表系列产品。当日在阿里巴巴集团与上汽集团联合举办的互联网汽车新品类发布会上,飞亚达印系列轻智能腕表概念款登场首秀。该款轻智能手表采用阿里巴巴集团旗下智能操作系统YunOS 提供的系统服务。腕表和APP 关联后,可以满足多种日常
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    【操作系统期末复习大纲】(分享自@百度文库)2011-2012-1 操作系统期末复习提纲 第一章 1.理解操作系统的概念 . 什么是操作系统 计算机系统=计算机硬件+计算机...阅读全文请戳右边 网页链接
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    构建自己的实战交易系统: SOS是指:Stock Operating System股票操作系统。SOS有五个概念:投资理念、盈利目标、买卖策略、资金管理、心态原则
  • 夏铭序的评论
    一、fork()函数在操作系统的基本概念中进程是程序的一次执行,且是拥有资源的最小单位和调度单位(在引入线程的操作系统中...分享来自 网页链接
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    #记忆力#提高记忆力的都是返璞归真的音乐哈[脸红]明天考操作系统,怕概念题,方[悲催] 上海·松江大学城
  • 伯乐在线官方微博的评论
    《fork()函数与Linux中的多线程编程》在操作系统的基本概念中进程是程序的一次执行,且是拥有资源的最小单位和调度单位(在引入线程的操作系统中,线程是最小的调度单位)。在Linux系统中创建进程有两种方式:一是由操作系统创建,二是由父进程创建进程(通常为子进程)网页链接(by cywos