
W.Richard Stevens


unix Programming 编程 APUE 计算机 经典 程序设计 linux



Preface Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Unix Standardization and Implementations Chapter 3 File I/O Chapter 4 files and Directories Chapter 5 Standard I/O Library Chapter 6 System Data Files and Information Chapter 7 The Environment of a Unix Process Chapter 8 Process Control Chapter 9 Process Relationships Chapter 10 Signals Chapter 11 Terminal I/O Chapter 12 Advanced I/O Chapter 13 Daemon Processes Chapter 14 Interprocess Communication Chapter 15 Advanced Interprocess Communication
    If you are an experienced C programmer with a working knowledge of UNIX, you cannot afford to be without this up-to -date tutorial on the system call interface and the most important functions found in the ANSI C library. Richard Stevens describes more than 200 system calls and functions; since he believes the best way to learn code is to read code,a brief example accompanies each description. Building upon information presented in the first 15 chapters, the author offers chapter-long examples teaching you how to create a database library, a PostScript printer driver, a modem dialer, and a program that runs other programs under a pseudo terminal. To make your analysis and understanding ofthis code even easier, and to allow you to modify it, all of the code in the book is available via UUNET. Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment is applicable to all major UNIX releases, especially System V Release the latest release of 4.3BSD, including 386BSD. These real-world implementations allow you to more clearly understand the status of the current and future standards,including IEEE POSIX and XPG3.



  • 王者伟业的评论
  • 小新一往无前的评论
    按计划,UNIX环境高级编程,鸟哥的LINUX私房菜,Python程序设计,疯狂安卓讲义,编译原理 第二版都可以在年底时候看完。C++ PRIMER PLUS,算法设计与分析,可以在开课前结束。现在没有考研的束缚,终于可以敞开了学专业知识,努力追赶大牛。不管是事业上的梦想还是人生上的梦想,都近了。我等了太久……
  • 光之烙印koon的评论
    我想读《UNIX环境高级编程》: 网页链接 来自@豆瓣App
  • 龙三蠹的评论
    昨夜梦至世界末日,天地崩裂,湖海干涸,满街的人豕突狼奔,我心脏狂跳,旁边有一个消防员模样的人冲我大吼:“只能带必需品走,书一类的东西tmd绝逼不能超过一本”,最后我犹豫良久,带了rechard steven的《unix环境下的高级编程》,是十几年前刚上班时用的书。这说明我骨子里是个死技术宅?
  • 人民邮电出版社-信息技术分社的评论
    【今日推荐】《UNIX环境高级编程》(第3版)是被誉为UNIX编程“圣经”的Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment一书的第3版。已经第四印啦!亚马逊评论:原来看第二版没有太大感觉,最近从图书馆借来第三版对比这读了下,发现翻译比第二版要强。更改的内容也不少。我觉得有必要入手。[微笑]
  • Howell_Tan的评论
  • 喝了这杯酒0971的评论
    学Linux顺序: 装个虚拟机->熟悉命令->Linux shell编程->Linux C编程->Unix环境高级编程->Linux Device Driver.昨晚上考了人家的虚拟机和ubuntu的iso文件,已经配置好,现在要熟悉命令
  • 伯乐头条的评论
    《Unix 环境高级编程 笔记》 (分享自 @伯乐头条)《Unix 环境高级...
  • 苏西财人的评论