
Malcolm Gladwell


心理学 直觉 psychology 潜意识 Gladwell mind


Santillana USA Pub Co Inc




  • 彪呼呼的姑凉也只是姑凉的评论
    We all feel like forever is so far off in the distance.When perhaps it is so brief that we miss it in the blink of an eye.So...give a hug to the person next to you. 呼伦贝尔·胜利街区
  • Princeblogboy的评论
    #model# Fucking Young! Online最近发布了一组由男模Dima Dionesov出镜、名为“Sun of a Beach”的时尚故事大片[阳光]摄影和造型均有Jovei Blink打造借这组照片问问:你那里有多热
  • PeachRachel的评论
    They say that good things take time, but really great things happen in a blink of the eye
  • 朱玉龙的评论
    我们都以为永远会很远,其实它可能短暂的连我们都看不见。现在...拥抱你身边的人吧。we all feel like foreve is off in the distance,when perhaps it is so brief that we miss it in the blink of an eye. So... give a hug to the person next to you.
  • IT之家的评论
    【微软iPhone智能拍照《Pix》下载,安卓版很快到来】微软智能相机应用《Microsoft Pix》iPhone版现在已经上架苹果App Store商店,安卓版本很快到来。这款《Pix》应用可以看作是Blink和自拍应用的结合体。当你尝试拍照后,应用会自动挑选一张最佳照片。……详情点击:微软iPhone智能...
  • 糯米UB的评论
    just a little bit stronger,just alittle bit wiser,just a little less needy and maybe I'd get there.what if the world would be more perfect,would you open you eyes and blink again for me..
  • Bamboo7_的评论
    #和思思大王过暑假##Jerry考研倒计时#150.Old life blown away in the blink of an eye,nothing left but all the time in the world to think about it.奢侈的看完肖申克的救赎,但是觉得挺值得的。
  • 冰力克Blink的评论
    #Blink girls# 甜蜜翻牌对准你的味,小冰从口味就能看出你是哪种blink girl[害羞] @美食零食控 @馋嘴儿零食公社
  • 宇宙小姐肾不亏的评论
    每天夜宵 看的blink口水直流 咩哈哈 等你长大就可以吃了!
  • 腾美佳子的评论
    Just like a blink of eyes, 2 years ago u came like an angel. Now, let's welcome the terrible two......The fifth pic is Michael making his wish......[擦汗][擦汗][擦汗]