Zero Limits

Joe Vitale,Ihaleakal


心灵 夏威夷疗法 灵修 神秘



《零极限:创造健康、平静与财富的夏威夷疗法》我爱你、对不起、请原谅、谢谢你——四句话能解决所有问题? 一位夏威夷治疗师不必见到病人,就神奇治愈精神病罪犯的故事将告诉你,一切就是这么简单! 本书介绍了一种用于疗愈的夏威夷古老心法,它提倡释放内心有害能量,让个人通过感恩与忏悔将耗费于记忆中的能量,转化为接收灵感的能量。通过恢复个体内在平衡,再恢复宇宙万物平衡。作者在介绍这种方法的同时,更加入许多同修的真实案例,生动解读夏威夷疗法在生活中的应用方法与独特疗效。 这本书让我们在一种纯粹的爱、包容与平静的状态下,聆听自己内心的声音,吸收灵感与力量,进而创造一种健康、平静与快乐的人生! 点击链接进入英文版: Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More 在线阅读本书 Praise For Zero Limits This riveting book can awaken humanity. It reveals the simple power of four phrases to transform your life. It′s all based in love by an author spreading love. You should get ten copies of it––––one for you and nine to give away. It′s that good."-––– Debbie Ford, New York Times bestselling author of The Dark Side of the Light Chasers I love this book! I feel it will be the definitive personal–change/self–help book for at least a generation and viewed as a watershed event by historians. There is real potential for this book to start a movement that will end war, poverty, and the environmental devastation of our beloved planet."-––– Marc Gitterle, MD, This book is like a stick of dynamite, and the moment you start reading, the fuse is lit. It blows away all the complex and confusing success paradigms of the past and reveals a refreshing and clear path to transform your life with just one simple step. As you explore Zero Limits with Vitale, be prepared for a journey that is both challenging and inspiring beyond anything you′ve imagined."-––– Craig Perrine, There are more than 6 billion different manifestations of human existence on the planet?and only one of us here. In Zero Limits, Vitale has captured the truth that all great spiritual, scientific, and psychological principles teach at the most fundamental level. Boil it all down to the basics and the keys are quite simple–––– the answer to all life′s challenges is profound love and gratitude. Read this book; it′s a reminder of the truth and ability you already possess."-––– James Arthur Ray, philosopher and bestselling author of Practical Spirituality and The Science of Success Wow! This is the best and most important book Vitale has ever written!"-––– Cindy Cashman, I couldn′t put it down. This book elegantly sketches what I′ve learned and learned about in twenty–one years of personal study, and then it takes it to the next level. If you′re looking for true peace along with ′the good stuff,′ then this book is for you."-––– David Garfinkel, author of Advertising Headlines That Make You Rich Zero Limits is Vitale′s adventure into the most mind–altering reading experience of your life."-––– Joseph Sugarman, President, BluBlocker Sunglasses, Inc. 点击链接进入中文版: 零极限:创造健康、平静与财富的夏威夷疗法


