
Hamilton, Edith




For decades readers have chosen this book above all others to discover the thrilling, enchanting and fascinating world of Western mythology. From Odysseus's adventure-filled journey to the Norse god Odin's effort to postpone the final day of doom, Edith Hamilton's classic collection not only retells these stories with brilliant clarity but shows us how the ancients saw their own place in the world and how their themes echo in our consciousness today. An essential part of every home library, MYTHOLOGY is the definitive volume for anyone who wants to know the key dramas, the primary characters, the triumphs, failures, fears and hopes first narrated thousands of years ago - and still spellbinding to this day.



  • TheRock_Johnson的评论
    #sevenbucksprod's# enterprise continues to grow and become robust. SON OF SHAOLIN is a cool graphic novel that merges contemporary Kung Fu with Shaolin mythology with many of the current issues faced by teens growing up today. It's a dope concept w/ global franchise potential. We
  • 曾小健的评论
    我在#喜马拉雅#上刚更新了新节目《Greek Mythology Preface》,快来听吧!Greek Myth...(分享自@喜马拉雅FM)
  • YTANG19的评论
  • YvieTalks的评论
    哈哈哈哈哈妈呀norse mythology里的loki简直可爱到不行 整天的恶趣味就是找thor挑事干(x 比如给thor制造出个幻境把他扔进去自己在旁边看戏啦 看thor的老婆sif不爽就把人家头发一剪子剪掉然后被thor吊打一顿(并不)给人家做了个金头饰啦 看thor的哥哥不爽就把人家干掉啦
  • 轻舟知寒的评论
    美国给小孩子做的书真是好,尤其那些non-fiction 的书,图文并茂生动有趣。李知寒已经看了一两年关于mythology和ancient history的各种书。她说最喜欢的“空间”是 space (太空),最喜欢的“时间”是古埃及。
  • Fannie95毛的评论
    四六级“奇葩”词汇 正解:Wuzhen national treasure kites carpenter mythology(mythos,fairy tale传说) The Grand Canal from Beijing to Hangzhou immortal(fairy ,God西)
  • 凌晨四点的陈先生_的评论
    中国哲学 (philosophy) 神话(mythology)和传说(lore) [em]e400905[/em]
  • 行走在路上的余獭獭的评论
    我把翻译题中mythology写成复数mythologies legend写成lengends[泪]其实是伤心的 也说明没掌握到位[泪] 考完四级的我决定今天要在寝室过老年生活了 先纪录片走一波[兔子]
  • chanqiunuo的评论
    分享 Symphony X 的专辑《V: The New Mythology...》V: The New...(分享自@虾米音乐)
  • Radiology_超越86的评论
    Day 113(06.15)P1121-1130 #唐静带你读完柯林斯词典# mythology @唐静XDF @新东方黄培辰的微博 @账房焰先生 @梁祎yi @Renee要早睡觉 [衰]最近事多,要上交的。