


MySQL 数据库 性能



ForewordPreface1. MySQL Architecture MySQL's Logical Architecture Concurrency Control Transactions Multiversion Concurrency Control MySQL's Storage Engines2. Finding Bottlenecks: Benchmarking and Profiling Why Benchmark? Benchmarking Strategies Benchmarking Tactics Benchmarking Tools Benchmarking Examples Profiling Operating System Profiling3. Schema Optimization and Indexing Choosing Optimal Data Types Indexing Basics Indexing Strategies for High Performance An Indexing Case Study Index and Table Maintenance Normalization and Denormalization Speeding Up ALTER TABLE Notes on Storage Engines4. Query Performance Optimization Slow Query Basics: Optimize Data Access Ways to Restructure Queries Query Execution Basics Limitations of the MySQL Query Optimizer Optimizing Specific Types of Queries Query Optimizer Hints User-Defined Variables5. Advanced MySQL Features The MySQL Query Cache Storing Code Inside MySQL Cursors Prepared Statements User-Defined Functions Views Character Sets and Collations Full-Text Searching Foreign Key Constraints Merge Tables and Partitioning Distributed (XA) Transactions6. Optimizing Server Settings Configuration Basics General Tuning Tuning MySQL's I/O Behavior Tuning MySQL Concurrency Workload-Based Tuning Tuning Per-Connection Settings7. Operating System and Hardware Optimization What Limits MySQL's Performance? How to Select CPUs for MySQL Balancing Memory and Disk Resources Choosing Hardware for a Slave RAID Performance Optimization Storage Area Networks and Network-Attached Storage Using Multiple Disk Volumes Network Configuration Choosing an Operating System Choosing a Filesystem Threading Swapping Operating System Status8. Replication Replication Overview Setting Up Replication Replication Under the Hood Replication Topologies Replication and Capacity Planning Replication Administration and Maintenance Replication Problems and Solutions How Fast Is Replication? The Future of MySQL Replication9. Scaling and High Availability Terminology Scaling MySQL Load Balancing High Availability10. Application-Level Optimization Application Performance Overview Web Server Issues Caching Extending MySQL Alternatives to MySQL11. Backup and Recovery Overview Considerations and Tradeoffs Managing and Backing Up Binary Logs Backing Up Data Recovering from a Backup Backup and Recovery Speed Backup Tools Scripting Backups12. Security Terminology Account Basics Operating System Security Network Security Data Encryption MySQL in a chrooted Environment13. MySQL Server Status System Variables SHOW STATUS SHOW INNODB STATUS SHOW PROCESSLIST SHOW MUTEX STATUS Replication Status INFORMATION_SCHEMA14. Tools for High Performance Interface Tools Monitoring Tools Analysis Tools MySQL Utilities Sources of Further InformationA. Transferring Large FilesB. Using EXPLAINC. Using Sphinx with MySQLD. Debugging LocksIndex
《高性能MYSQL》教你如何使用MySQL构建快速、可靠的系统。本书的作者都是知名专家,具有多年构建大型系统的实际经验。本书第二版涵盖了MySQL性能细节并且专注于健壮性、安全性和数据完整性。 《高性能MySQL》深入讲解高级技巧从而让你能够受益于MySQL的全部威力。你将学到如何设计模板、索引、查询和令性能最大化的高级MySQL特性。另外,你将获得详细的指导来为你的MySQL服务器、操作系统和硬件进行性能调优以便发挥它们的全部潜能。同时还包括运用实用、安全和高性能的方法来扩展你的应用,使其具有副本保存、负载均衡、高可用和失败自动切换的功能。 本书第二版进行了全面修改以及很大程度地扩展,对所有专题都进行了更有深度的覆盖。主要的新增内容包括: * 强调性能和可靠性的每一方面 * 详细涵盖搜索引擎,包括深度调优和InnoDB存储引擎的优化 * MySQL5.0和5.1新功能的效用,包括存储过程、数据库分区、触发器和视图 * 对如何使用MySQL构建大型、高可扩展系统进行了详细的讨论 * 备份和副本的新选项 * 高级查询功能的优化,例如全文检索 * 四个全新的附录 本书的内容还包括基准分析、评测报告、备份、安全性以及帮你测量、监控并管理所安装的MySQL的工具和技巧。



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