A Mathematical Introduction to Logic

Herbert B. Enderton


数理逻辑 Mathematics 逻辑学 logic


Academic Press

CHAPTER ZERO Useful Facts about Sets 1 CHAPTER ONE Sentential Logic 11 1.0 Informal Remarks on Formal Languages 11 1.1 The Language of Sentential Logic 13 1.2 Truth Assignments 20 1.3 A Parsing Algorithm 29 1.4 Induction and Recursion 34 1.5 Sentential Connectives 45 1.6 Switching Circuits 54 1.7 Compactness and Effectiveness 59 CHAPTER TWO First-Order Logic 67 2.0 Preliminary Remarks 67 2. l First-Order Languages 69 2.2 Truth and Models 80 2.3 A Parsing Algorithm 105 2.4 A Deductive Calculus 109 2.5 Soundness and Completeness Theorems 131 2.6 Models of Theories 147 2.7 Interpretations Between Theories 164 2.8 Nonstandard Analysis 173 CHAPTER THREE Undecidability 182 3.0 Number Theory 182 3.1 Natural Numbers with Successor 187 3.2 Other Reducts of Number Theory 193 3.3 A Subtheory of Number Theory 202 3.4 Arithmetization of Syntax 224 3.5 Incompleteness and Undecidability 234 3.6 Recursive Functions 247 3.7 Second Incompleteness Theorem 266 3.8 Representing Exponentiation 276 CHAPTER FOUR Second-Order Logic 282 4.1 Second-Order Languages 282 4.2 Skolem Functions 287 4.3 Many-Sorted Logic 295 4.4 General Structures 299 SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER READING 307 LIST OF SYMBOLS 309 INDEX
A Mathematical Introduction to Logic, Second Edition, offers increased flexibility with topic coverage, allowing for choice in how to utilize the textbook in a course. The author has made this edition more accessible to better meet the needs of today's undergraduate mathematics and philosophy students. It is intended for the reader who has not studied logic previously, but who has some experience in mathematical reasoning. Material is presented on computer science issues such as computational complexity and database queries, with additional coverage of introductory material such as sets.


