
Helen Vendler




Belknap Press of Harvard University Press

Seamus Heaney, Denis Donoghue, William Pritchard, Marilyn Butler, Harold Bloom, and many others have praised Helen Vendler as one of the most attentive readers of poetry. Here, Vendler turns her illuminating skills as a critic to 150 selected poems of Emily Dickinson. As she did in "The Art of Shakespeare's Sonnets," she serves as an incomparable guide, considering both stylistic and imaginative features of the poems. In selecting these poems for commentary Vendler chooses to exhibit many aspects of Dickinson's work as a poet, 'from her first-person poems to the poems of grand abstraction, from her ecstatic verses to her unparalleled depictions of emotional numbness, from her comic anecdotes to her painful poems of aftermath.' Included here are many expected favorites as well as more complex and less often anthologized poems. Taken together, Vendler's selection reveals Emily Dickinson's development as a poet, her astonishing range, and her revelation of what Wordsworth called 'the history and science of feeling.' In accompanying commentaries Vendler offers a deeper acquaintance with Dickinson the writer, 'the inventive conceiver and linguistic shaper of her perennial themes.' All of Dickinson's preoccupations - death, religion, love, the natural world, the nature of thought - are explored here in detail, but Vendler always takes care to emphasize the poet's startling imagination and the ingenuity of her linguistic invention. Whether exploring less familiar poems or favorites we thought we knew, Vendler reveals Dickinson as 'a master' of a revolutionary verse-language of immediacy and power. "Dickinson: Selected Poems and Commentaries" will be an indispensable reference work for students of Dickinson and readers of lyric poetry.



  • 黄山市屯溪柏树小学的评论
    晚上安安静静地在看马上毕业班的孩子们近期发来的暑期配音秀,比去年暑假进步不少,有些发音已经有美式地道发音的味道了!还有日本动漫的英文配音版,甚至还有我喜欢的Emily Dickinson的原版英文诗!喜欢这样总是带给我各种惊喜的你们!WELL DONE~ [心]
  • 坐忘蒙特利尔的评论
    Love, Poem 13: Renunciation | The Poems of Emily Dickinson: Series One | Emily Dickinson | Lit2Go ETC 网页链接
  • 嚴木妤的评论
    不約而同的白色著裝[爱你][爱你][爱你]@宴宴宴张 @徐远翥 - 最近喜歡了一首emily的詩歌: the soul selects her own society- then—shuts the door—to devine her majority- present no more-    灵魂选择自己的伴侣    然后,把门紧闭    她神圣的决定    不容干预 Emily Dickinson
  • JR_96979的评论
    “If recollecting were forgetting, Then I remember not. And if forgetting, recollecting, How near I had forgot. And if to miss, were merry, And to mourn, were gay, How very blithe the fingers That gathered this, Today!” 那些手指该多愉悦 今天它将这些采撷! ——Emily Dickinson
  • 一只被抖森迷倒的喵的评论
    “Hope is the thing with feathersThat perches in the soulAnd sings the tune without the wordsAnd never stops at all” ——Emily Dickinson看了一部关于尼泊尔地震的纪录片 心情略沉重 就想到了这首诗。
  • 大怪兽爱丽丝的评论
    第一次读Emily Dickinson的时候,我也觉得很好奇。一个没什么恋爱经验的人为什么三分之一的诗歌都在写爱情呢,而且写得有点道理。现在我明白了,所有的爱都是一样的。就是明明见了很多次,依然怦然心动。人,物,时间,幻觉。都一样。
  • aDa爱梦想的评论
    Twenty-four hours not enough time to see, do all that Jonathan Dickinson State Park has to offer 网页链接
  • iHerb购物网的评论
    【iHerb值得买】Dickinson Brands原态金缕梅100%毛孔收缩爽肤水,16液盎司(473毫升),只要39块人民币!戳:网页链接
  • 怪歪GIRL_kid飞地的评论
    纸镇-【美】约翰格林... 书的结尾部分M引用了Emily Dickinson 的一句话:「永远是由现在构成的」 看到这句话时就感觉到,那个M终于要长大。对M的喜爱多了不只一点点,电影里的她似乎逞强到了最后,而书中的她终于暴露出了最脆弱的一面,使得她终于有血有肉了起来,也使得她更像
  • 箬水94的评论
    #王博文# [玫瑰]Why do I love" You, Sir?[玫瑰] Emily Dickinson"Why do I love" You, Sir?BecauseThe Wind does not require the GrassTo answer Wherefore when He passShe can not keep Her place.Because He knows andDo not YouAnd We know notEnough for Us