Three Cups of Tea

Greg Mortenson


三杯茶 阿富汗 纪实 外国文学 希望 坚持 小说 文化



敬上一杯茶,你是一个陌生人; 再奉第二杯,你是我们的朋友; 第三杯茶,你是我的家人,我将用生命来保护你。 一个人,一个承诺,一段辛苦漫长的旅程,许许多多人的爱心,一个美丽的承诺,终于实践。” 摩顿森把一次旅行化作了一个生命的承诺,从而改变了他在路途中所遇见的人的命运,并把这些美事通过文字将看似不相干的人拉在一起,娓娓道来,作者朴素的心便很快让你跳进《三杯茶》的友情世界里去,令你也嗅到茶的清幽香味。他教晓我们爱是怎么一回事,因为有了爱,他才在黑暗中看见星辰。这是一趟非比寻常的旅程,在这旅程上,不仅有他的脚步,也可以有你我的脚步,我们愿意与摩顿森一起结伴同行吗?——《中东现场》作者张翠容 'Here we drink three cups of tea to do business; the first you are a stranger, the second you become a friend, and the third, you join our family, and for our family we are prepared to do anything - even die' - Haji Ali, Korphe Village Chief, Karakoram mountains, Pakistan. In 1993, after a terrifying and disastrous attempt to climb K2, a mountaineer called Greg Mortenson drifted, cold and dehydrated, into an impoverished Pakistan village in the Karakoram Mountains. Moved by the inhabitants' kindness, he promised to return and build a school. "Three Cups of Tea" is the story of that promise and its extraordinary outcome. Over the next decade Mortenson built not just one but fifty-five schools - especially for girls - in remote villages across the forbidding and breathtaking landscape of Pakistan and Afghanistan, just as the Taliban rose to power. His story is at once a riveting adventure and a testament to the power of the humanitarian spirit. 点击链接进入中文版: 三杯茶


