
Henry David Thoreau


Thoreau 散文 英文原版 美国文学 Walden 哲学 超验主义 自然


Princeton University Press

Originally published in 1854, Walden, or Life in the Woods, is a vivid account of the time that Henry D. Thoreau lived alone in a secluded cabin at Walden Pond. It is one of the most influential and compelling books in American literature. This new paperback edition - introduced by noted American writer John Updike - celebrates the 150th anniversary of this classic work. Much of Walden's material is derived from Thoreau's journals and contains such engaging pieces as "Reading" and "The Pond in the Winter." Other famous sections involve Thoreau's visits with a Canadian woodcutter and with an Irish family, a trip to Concord, and a description of his bean field. This is the complete and authoritative text of Walden - as close to Thoreau's original intention as all available evidence allows. For the student and for the general reader, this is the ideal presentation of Thoreau's great document of social criticism and dissent.



  • 文小文一天到晚要吃肉的评论
    #带着微博去荷兰#walden sea 跨海是荷兰的经典户外运动项目,吸引了大批欧洲游客。今天走了十公里不到三个小时,先后经历泥泞,到腰高度的海水!这里美景如画,国家地理频道做过节目的地方!!总之,活着回来了.
  • AsheToDust的评论
    奇怪的是谷歌不到walden two这个传说中的反人类实验但是却百度到了 就是纳粹军强制一群孩子从小学会微表情控制从而能够完美的隐藏自我这样被敌人抓到时也不会被套出情报 过程中大部分孩子都因药物服用过量而死亡 虽然那个乌托邦小说好像跟这个没什么关联但还是想看下[眼泪]
  • 石广冈的评论
    As Thoreau said at the end of Walden 【瓦尔登湖】:“The sun is but a morning-star: each day represents a new opportunity to recover the nobility of life, another chance to turn aside from use to wonder.”
  • 汪瑞芳-ruiniao的评论
    #跑游美国大农村 2015#离开Concord,离开Walden,作别Thoreau。什么是好的或不好的生命旅程,我已经不在乎了。‘I do good things to you, and then you do good things to other people. You see! That's how we make the world a better place.’[爱心]
  • Phoebe_WRF的评论
    最近读的几本书都很消暑:The Turn of the Screw, The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft, Walden. 诶?怎么都是Henry[哈哈]
  • verydvd的评论
    Walden: A Fully Annotated Edition
  • 叶大倍贝的评论
    这个巨大瓶的焦糖汁是最近发现。“达芬奇”牌儿。看着比walden farms 高大上。每百克5卡路里…[耶] 为扫还不错
  • yoursources的评论
    Henry David Thoreau, "Walden and 'Civil Disobedience'". Signet; 256 pages.
  • wendy丢丢嘟嘟的评论
    吹毛求疵的人即便在天堂也能挑出瑕疵。一个安心的人在哪都可以过自得其乐的生活,抱着振奋乐观的思想,如同居住在皇宫一般。犯不着千辛万苦求新,无论衣服还是朋友。把旧的翻新,回到它们中去。——Walden by Thoreau
  • MegaBenson的评论
    哇spa诶!好酷好想要@昵称WALDEN @悦铭Garrett @波多野结衣